or at least i think. the last i had heard, the record was at 549 hp…

:blue: :eek4dance
or at least i think. the last i had heard, the record was at 549 hp…

:blue: :eek4dance
congrats. it should be splitting any time now.
fucking nice!
Nice pull!
no vid no care
hehe… leaving work now!
Awesome. Get that video, Whitey.
helll yea
who’s car?
Patrick Lynn
grey 240?
how the fuck should I know?
how the fuck did you know his name but not car? go diaf
look at the save location on the top of the dyno chart.
100 more whp than 1320’s car, wonder what it will do 1/4 mile wise?
ah yes, Pittsburgh, now officially 240 bandwagon capitol of the world. If the other one ran 11’s what this gonna run? scary fast
Well, mine had 467 rwhp. And it went 11.01 @ 129.90 , and that was with extremely shitty launches. So you do that math. :scared:
heard the car run tonight. That thing is badass. :bigthumb:
Where’s the video, Whitey?
I want to see it run. Is it going to be at the track tomorrow?