Oil Execs Have to Answer..

Thats 3 posts in a row… come on now… use the edit function :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m all for being more conservant with energy… but I enjoy my joyrides… and filling up twice a week with premium… cause its cheaper than crack, and the high lasts longer

The news this morning was saying that wasn’t a huge concern because Bush’s approval rating is so low. The causes of this poor rating, gas prices and the war. So they were saying that Bush would want to take action against the oil companies to improve his perception with people.

I call bullshit though. Why would he care? Hes a lame duck and when the presidential thing is all over, he has to go back to his oil buddies so he doesn’t want to fuck them over.

I don’t agree with gas companies seeing these huge profits because, as stated before, we really don’t have a choice for energy so they do have a monopoly. Its the best business in the world to be in because of that.

approval ratings in second terms = waste of time / bandwidth.

Yeah, I forget that I can edit past 5 minutes here.


he def is in for life with Oil… the pressidency is just a joyride right now.

but thats life in America.

You still can… ITS NOT TOO LATE TO ACT!!!

really though… make it one post, then delete the others, I was just picking on ya cause you drive a fiero.


Right. I don’t know why the news makes such a big thing about it. The only implications they have are Republican presidential candidates wanting to distance themselves from Bush…which is where these hearings come into play.

it doesnt matter how pissed any of us get, that’s not what business is about. we are not the oil companies’ customers…their customers are the stock holders, and right now those companies are treating their customers great.
we are just a side factor, the demand, sure we can go something about it…stop using gas, but realistically we all know that will not and can not happen…if anything we will continue to develop more gas using habits…

There, fixed. And the Fiero is just a toy, I support big oil and drive an Expedition as my DD. :mad:

1st of all, stockholder of a corporation are NOT customers. two very different, relatively unrelated terms.

2nd, corporate - consumer relations operate on the premise of consumer choice. that choice simply must be more than either buy or not buy. that choice must also involve different companies competing with eachother on quality, service, and PRICE bases… right now, the consumer’s choice with the oil industry is Buy vs Dont Buy. there is no other choice involved based on any other criteria.

is the major business goal profit? clearly it is…

however, that is not the issue. the issue is the existance of a semi-trust, at least as i see it. again, i see a fixed profit percentage doing nothing but good for the us retail oil market.

Look out, he’s armed with a degree and a job… :jawdrop: :wink: Bravo man… I am impressed!

Share holders are not “the customers”… I’m sure they buy oil… but they get that back 10fold in share value. They “OWN” big oil… their money is not only invested in the product but the company’s future… and their financial future. Think anyone with a 10-15-20% investment in a big Oil company cars what gas prices look like? They prolly tip their driver 100 bux everytime the door on their stretch limo is opened.

We def need help, it isn’t going to come from Big Oil… it isn’t going to come from Bush… where the hell do we get help?

I’ll stop You right there - and not even just for arguments sake.

From the 1st “orientation day” here we have it beaten into our heads that the Share Price >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all.

Shareholders are THEE customers. Everything else about Cust. Svc. and shit fall right in line behind it, but big publicly held companies are out to be bigGER publicly held companies.

$106/share here and one of the most insulated banks in the Top 20.

shareholders are not the customer

consumers are the customer

in terms of being recipients of a service, that service being the return on investment that they put into stock in order to become shareholders, then i suppose they are customers of sorts…


shareholders are not customers by definition

when you talk about a corporation’s customers, you are specifically talking about the consumers that receive the goods or services that the entity is a going concern in order to produce or render, and, ultimately, to sell.

when you talk about a corporation’s shareholders, you are specifically talking about the person or persons who have invested either time, money, or other capital in return for a certain certificate denoting percentage or some quantifiable ownership.

these two groups are not interchangeable. while there are scenarios in which customers COULD be shareholders and vice versa, please dont post falsities…

Is this with regards to my post - immediatly prior to Your own?


BTW - knick… you stopped me too early… and it was in “quotes” so that means t-if

Thats like saying Mr Anderson is a customer of Anderson Products because he buys meat from his store, instead of tops.

Technically he is a customer… but he is moreso the owner.


Even you guys get your way and they do decide on a winfall tax, your gas/oil will still cost the same. They’re just going to throw the money into programs for the poor!

As a result, there have been suggestions in Congress about instituting a windfall-profits tax, with the money distributed to lower-income consumers to help them with energy costs.

Source: http://money.cnn.com/2005/11/09/news/economy/oil_hearing/index.htm

I’ll agree with this part though, if they can show the big companies are getting the tax break. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was just political spin and the big companies weren’t lying when they said they didn’t get the tax break:

Two senators at the hearing, Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and John Sununu, R-N.H., both said Congress should look at rolling back tax breaks given to the oil industry in the energy bill earlier this year. Wyden estimated the tax breaks were worth $2.6 billion.
The CEOs said their companies were not receiving tax breaks, and two other senators, Committee Chairman Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, and Mary Landrieu, D-La., said those breaks were directed more to smaller refinery operators and need to be maintained.

Let’s cut throught the bullshit…

Profit is a good.

The government does not regulate oil therefore profit is not illegal.


The legal question is; are the oil companies commiting illegal acts such as collusion?

Then please clarify the falsities that I have posted. Apparently You are all knowing about the company in which I work, yes?