Oil less Turbocharger.


thats sweet!

Holy Shit!! I wonder how long it will take to hit the consumer automobile market…

Don’t you just love NASA

Lost 2 space shuttles in 23 years, not bad :kekegay:

not bad if you can keep that thing above 10k rpm. the way i interpret the passage was those “berrings” are only lubricated by the air above 10k. i’ll read it again. ok

under 10k it is self lubricated, (TEFLON)

dont turbos spin at like 100k or something im not sure so dont quote me on that

As high as 125-150k rpms in many cases.

definitely, 10K is nothing for a turbo

These are the very same/similar Air Bearings that are used in Capstone’s microturbines. Once a year maintenance for a piece of industrial equipment is fantastic, gotta love it. Good for us too! :slight_smile: