ok.. i found another epic win for this week..

i dont know whether to laugh or cry :lol

how bout both.

Lol thats epic

:rofl wow


I swear there used to be one on there from Clifton Park, NY but I can no longer find it.


Not even kidding, that’s the one from CP.

:rofl wat ^^

Alright we got to add to this right here in our own area, Time to pull out the cameras in WallyWorld

Do you read? lol

the one I just posted was from CP.

How much more ‘from our area’ do you want?

^^ummm, oh my god!


Benny you fucking dick I told you to stop following me and my friends around

I meant more I love Walmart so entertaining…

since when does c/p wal mart have pull doors ? it dont, thats gotta be latham .

i don’t think Latham Walmart has pull doors either, I work in Latham farms so i’ll have to check it out :lol

i think the walmart on the extension always had pull doors though


What a bunch of scum bags.

if you want entertainment go to cobleskill walmart :rofl