OK problem.. Applying for a job....

get me in the help desk! fuck paralegal shit

Some places Paralegals make a shit load of money and get trampled on just the same amount

ATM in the airport office park

i hear bad stuff about that place

im at servicelink which sucks too


they get paid over $20k less than i do

and i don’t have a degree… our TOP litigation paralegal doesn’t make my money.

computer industry > paper pushing paralegal

but yeah… in some instances a paralegal can make 60k - 80k… but a starting associate makes 110k… so it’s really a thankless job with no perks of being an attorney.

<from my limited experience>

60-80k is nothing to laugh at thats good money…It sucks because in most cases these people have to know more about certain issues than the people they are working for so yes its a thankless get shit on job…

If you dont mind me asking what do you do? Associate makin 110k a year no college education shit sign me up!

i’ve been with them for a month…first office job…the only bad thing i’ve seen is the team leaders favor some people, but not others. but where will you not find that? if you donated at least $20 for the katrina fund…they matched you AND you get to dress down for the rest of the month. So far I like it, beats working in a shitty restaurant.

no no… i’m not an associate… they have to have degrees and pass the bar within 6 months to a year of hire date… shit, if you’re an attorney you’re a good 250k in debt…so 110k a year isn’t all that :slight_smile:

60-80 is nothing to laugh at… but they work AT LEAST 10 hours a day (not even kidding) and when in trial (like this week and next) up to 20 hours a day… no overtime… they do have to know more, becaue they are basically the ‘proofreaders’ of the law (for lack of terms) … from what i see, i would never want to be or one of my friends to be a paralegal haha!

but the ones that are and are good, love their job… just takes that kind of person.

I am the systems administrator for my law firm.

yeah but what do you get paid? hours and shit like that.

dress down is everyday at servicelink. and yeah we have favoritism.

Jeremy, don’t you work for SLink, not Merit Title. HAHALOL caught ya.

im not working for merit and i am looking for other jobs. i hate my hours at slink. cherri even told you that

wait a sec your not IT what are you doing on the net! I’ll get it to track that! jk