ok...so here's my dilemma....

skunk i love you

i had an 85 (or maybe it was an 86) cavalier and that thing was a tank. the ladies loved it.

don’t get the aveo. once the 3 hampsters in the engine die…lol

seriously, the aveo will be a good choice for saving money on payments and insurance…but IMO, a stick on a car that has hard times reaching the 990 speed-limit is pointless.

5spd cobalt > the other options

and what the hell happened to the like brand new alero you had just last year?

aight ladies…the thread is useless now…she did get her car already…5sp cobalt

beggars cant be choosers, get the aveo, trust me


my “brand new alero” was 3 years old last year… and the lease was up…

yah i was lazy and didnt read it before i posted get off my nutz