ok so i need a media player to work..XM

i can get to xmradio.com but i need to figure out how to get the player to work. my work has blocked the actual player and i cant listen to xm anymore… any ideas i can try?

here is the actual link to the player


v,b,dtunnel.com are all blocked … if there was someway to activate the player using WMP that would be sick

try kproxy.com

enter URL as http://player.xmradio.com

or http://xmro.mxradio.com

need logins or else I would try

kproxy is blocked EW

hold… - kproxy.com


vtunnel no good

In recent weeks, we have encountered excessive utilization of our Internet resources that has negatively impacted our ability to maintain critical business applications and functions. In an effort to maintain these functions, we will immediately begin blocking access to a variety of non-business related Web sites (primarily Internet radio and video-sharing sites).

While we understand this may be an inconvenience to some, these steps have been taken in the interest of maintaining business efficiency.


EDIT: once you log in, select the channel you want to listen to and it will give you a link to the stream to paste into media player

orrrrrr, download yahoo widgets portable app and run the yahoo XM widget

Same thing happens here at my work. The player comes up fine but nothing plays…they apparently have something blocked in the proxy.

some reason my login and password are being considered wrong, i may try all the other stuff later tonite when im at home (i use a laptop), id rather do more trial and error there then here…riSkYyy

shut up and try it micah

Sucks when work pwns you like that…

I randomly block myspace, facebook for fun…

Get a portable player?

If you’re already a subscriber, they have the promotion to get the free portable radio if you add it on to your plan for 6.99 a month. Was worth it for me. Even has a built in FM mod to play in-home and in other people’s cars…

yea that might the next step, would be worth it anyway, right now i just do the trial online accts for free

millard prg doesnt work, but my login works on aarons computer…

gonna try yahoo widgyyyy next


his login info worked for me here at work.

so i dunno.

keep trying other things dude.

get back to work

i used to stream beats off http://www.live365.com/index.live