ok so i need a media player to work..XM

ugh…what a D!!!

i tried the yahoo widget, says im logged in, but when i hit the channel guide, nothin pops up, so close

All these widgets and apps probably use the same server/port combo to connect to XM.

well…ur supposed to be a leet hax0r LZ…

help him out…you DOPE

Well I look at it like this…

I order hardware and what not from Ingram…The harder they all work the faster I get whatever I need…

I am only hurting my self by having them fuck around online…

get sirius? i <3 sirius

and you care why??

you are moving for a new job…dummy.





It was a joke :lol:

If I come up with a way to get around it I will let you know.

Micah, when you get home install uxm.

then download a program called thinstall and package UXM with it. Then run it from a flash drive and listen to the stream via media player.

may be your best bet (or subscribe and get an XM radio)

may try that, but i think i will be getting the radio and subscription next friday

The issue he is having is they are firewalling whatever servers he is trying to get the steaming off of…

Running it off a jump drive isn’t going to help

ew…get XM TODAY

do you have access to your c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file? They may have been sloppy and just blocked the domain, not the IP’s

its ingram…im would hope they are smarter than that lol

i dont think i will dig that deep lol

im just gonna not worry about it til i get the actual XM real deal

C drives are diabled. everything is run off the network

well my C drive is not… INGRAM NOOB

meh, you have a laptop. those arent disabled.