XM familar ppl,can you take a look at this for me please *link*

I was going to pudchase this As I think it is what I’m looking for,But thought I’d better ask u nice ppl first.I want something that I can carry around w/ me and use wherever I’m at.Kind of like live headphones which I think this is.Also must be compatible for home and car too.
Also Should I buy directly from XM or on Ebay?
Thank you ery much for looking.

you can listen to live XM when your running on battery power or if you have it in a docking station. It comes with the home dock, the car dock is seperate. You can also listen to your recorded music or mp3s you can download into it. It’s a pretty good unit, I would suggest either get the wired fm mod for the car or if your radio has an AUX in then to use that because the wireless fm mod on all the new sattilite units blow worse now than they did before (thanks FCC). As far as getting live XM inside of a building is a craps shoot though.

Looks like a good unit.

Like mentioned above though, getting XM inside is a crap shoot. I would look to see if the home docking station has the antenna built in, or if it has an external one that can be placed near a window. If it has an external one that you can move around, you should be fine.

I would also look into buying an aux input adapter for your cars radio. It will sound a hell of alot better than going with the FM mod.

^^Home dock = External antenna with like 20’ or so of wire.

MY BUDDY HAS ONE IN HERE HE HAS IT HOOK UP TO THE TEAMROOMS COMPUTER AND IT WORKS FINE.I will be away from that tho,That’s you I was looking for one that will pick it up as I walk around the plant.