Ok, there is plenty of IT people here... get in and vent


You should teach them…throw together some crazy ass group policy :slight_smile:


that just leads to more calls…

now on a related note, the FUNNIEST call I’ve ever gotten was this:

stupid user: “hi, for some reason my computer keeps typing spaces and it wont stop”
me: “Hmm, sounds like keyboard is broken, I’ll get a new one and replace it. I’ll be down in a minute”
stupid user: “ok, thanks”

I walk in, this lady is huge… i mean huuuuge.

So she rolls out of the way (getting up would have resulted in lots of sweating), and I check out the machine, it is not doing anything at all, perfectly fine.

me: “Well, it doesn’t seem to be doing anything, was it only doing it in a certain program, or was it doing it in everything?”
stupid user: “I think everything but im not sure let me check”

So she roooolllls back into place and I immediately notice the problem.

Her stomach is laying on the space bar. :retard: