Oklahoma Tornado







I’ve been watching this closely. I was in Oklahoma City last week and go often for work. So far I haven’t heard any bad news from the people I know down there, but there are still a few people that I’ve been trying to get a hold of. :frowning:


Mother nature is pretty intense…

Unbelievable. CNN is reporting (so probably not true) that another 40 are dead, a good chunk of them kids. :frowning:

Tornadoes are really fucking cool…

Until they kill people, then they suck. This sucks.

Ill fall back on the age old argument: You guys can complain about the weather in WNY all you want but at least we dont have to deal with hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes (mostly).

I went to boot camp in Fort Sill, OK. We were doing training exercises when a tornado came through a field next to our barracks. They are no joke down there. They say this tornado was 1/2 mile wide once it started growing and by the time it reached Moore, it was up to a mile wide.

1 to 2 miles wide, 166 to 200 mph winds. I think the guy that compared it to a 2 mile wide lawnmower blade rolling through town said it best.

Something to think about next winter when you’re clearing the snow from your driveway for the 4th time in a week.



I started watching the news yesterday when a helicopter was filming this thing from a distance… the whole thing was filmed. You can’t see the heavy damage because it becomes rain-wrapped, but here is the whole thing in time-lapse:


This shot is crazy!


can we go one month without having to discuss a major event? fuck. Hurricance Sandy, Sandy Hook Shootings, Boston Marathon, Oklahoma Tornados? What’s next? Fucking scary.

Unbelievable. I’m actually surprised their weren’t more people killed. 80% of the homes didn’t have basements, unreal.

That’s the real kicker. You live in Tornado alley, basements should be a building code requirement.

I couldn’t imagine being a parent with a child at that school. Shit sucks.

Jee sus Christ.

Yeah. I’d imagine the majority of the homes with basements were the ones built after the destruction of the 1999 Tornado, or at least since then. I’d also imagine that it would be near impossible to sell a house without a basement now.

I know they…at least some of the houses have shelters though. Basically underground bunkers for tornados…not sure if that counts as a “basement” or not.