Old gasoline

Anyone know what to do with old gasoline (other than dumping it somewhere or burning it)? I have probably a little over 5 gal in the T/A that’s two years old. Seems like a waste of 104 octane, but I don’t want to take a chance running it through the engine, so I;m going to empty it out.

dump it in the beater car or use it in the lawnmower/weedwhackers.

Hell yeah use that shit, gas aint cheap nowadays.


Listerine is just aged 104 octane race fuel. Give it another month or two and it should be ready to go!

that would start one hell of a fire, I vote to burn it. :smiley:

Might give a unique flavor to the pig we’re going to roast…

only 2 years old?

hell ill take it, i ran 12 year old 115 octane in my camaro

im not saying it was a good thing, but the thing still started up with no knocking


same… i’d run it jeff… maybe not on your new motor but we have crap through the garage that i’d run it through :slight_smile:

i’d run it.

who you kidding that T/A on the road is just as much of a joke as my Mustang on the road

I actually put air in the tires, put fluid in the transmission, and pulled the spark plugs to crank it over. Which was supposed to happen tonight. But didn’t. So you’re right.