Old Hag called the Cops on the E.R. (at my Job)

I promise no Hippa BullShit this time.

So this old Hag and her middle age daughter came to E.R. because her daughter has a Head Ache. Cat Scan showed nothing, bloods came back clean. Its just a Head Ache, thats all!!! The Daughter was given Aspirin and discharged. So this Old hag insists that her daughter gets admitted and she get a room upstairs. May I add that she also requested a Private room. After her request was denied, she threatened to call the Police. This is the type of a woman who would call 911 because the Pizza delivery guy didn’t take 30 minutes.

The pic was taken 20 minutes ago. I just got off my shift. Definitely a highlight of my Night. :lol:



And the point of this thread was…

I lol’d hard @ the bob dole karma

i wonder how much trouble you can get in for breaking patient confidentiality laws here? sure you withheld names…which is abiding to the law, but posting pictures? :ohnoes:


i shat myself tonight.

I’m still sitting in my dirty shorts. Its still warm.

They were outside…ha!


Seriously. Please learn which words to capitalize and which not to. It really helps, if the rest of us are meant to wade through your stories …


Look who’s criticizing!

so i may have some dumb threads sometime, and people may miss the point of some of my posts but this one take the cake.


So you were delivering a pizza to the hospital when this all happened?

ssooooo… what was the outcome? did she get a room/did the cops talk to any of you guys/did she just get in her car and leave after she was told she couldnt get a room by the cop, if thats what happened?

now i know myself i have had some bad threads but, you need some more details or its more of a (you need to be there to laugh) type of thread.

17 posts and still no useful information other than a picture of cop car in a dark parking lot.

If thats Kenmore Mercy, I tell everyone I know not to go there ever :slight_smile:

I had to spread karma around to 4 people just to give this thread a -.