Old Lady Slams Into Me!!!!

I was driving on Provost rd on Wed. and at the intersection at Weyman rd some old lady slammed into my car. I was driving on Provost towards Brownsville Rd and when I was passing the Get Go I saw a car waiting to pull out and thought nothing of it. As I was passing the car I saw out of the corner of my eye that it was coming right at me. As I swerved I got slammed pretty hard. We pulled over to exchange info and I didn’t say more than 3 words total b/c I was so pissed. She didn’t even say sorry and acted like it was no big deal. The whole left side of my car is pretty banged up. There is damage to my front wheel all the way back to my rear wheel. The door took most of the hit though. I am kinda worried that when I get it fixed They wont be able to get the Pace Car logos(even though I get made fun of for them). I get it looked at on monday for an estimate and was thinking about taking it to Toole Auto Body to get fixed. I heard some good things about them.

I had an old guy t-bone me once too. He said I came out of nowhere on a road that you can see a quarter mile on (i.e., he didn’t look). And he said we didn’t need to call the police. Yeah right.

At least you aren’t hurt.

liotus does good work

where is liotus at??..is that where the cobra is?

toole on mcneilly? they do good work

centerline colusion in plesent hills does awsome work

Yeah, a few of my friends went there for some work and said their work was excellent.

you have friends :dunno: :stick: :wink:

i say you fuck the old lady in the ass DRY!, take it to pruni and get a good job done since she’s gotta pay

yup… its right by TD Sports bar, kind’ve right near streets run road in Baldwin.

If you’re going into Prospect, make a right instead then theyre right down the hill

old lady slammed you? your ass must hurt! lol… sorry to hear that thou , i’ll second pruni

:werd: i took my car there when it got in a wreck, they do a good job. That reminds me, always get a police report when in a wreck. My dad was driving (i was in the passenger seat, it was ~4 years ago) and we didn’t have a stop sign at an intersection, but this kid in an SUV did. He didnt look at our direction and came right out and slammed into us. Called the police, they did a police report. It was obviously his fault since he had a stop sign and we didnt. Well when he reported it to the insurance he said that we were speeding :mad:. We got the police report and sent it to the insurance company showing that nothing was said about speeding. Most of the time people will try to come up with excuses later on, they’re too flustered to make up lies on the spot.

fuck pruni :nuts: they did a decent job for me once but the second time i used them they did horrible work. denny almost got his ass beat and i wouldn’t mind busting the old dad in his chops too. they are errogant fucks…maybe someday i’ll run into them at the bar :mrT:

:nono: certain members work there and Do VERY GOOD WORK.

im sure they do, good for them…either way denny and his dad are both idiots and they did some pretty shotty work for me once…if the shoe fits where it pruni boys

I heard that if you have a decent size job then Pruni does good work. However if you have something small they just rush through it and to some half assed work. I have also heard some mixed reviews, like some people say they do great work and others said the work was pretty bad and they gave them a hard time when they took it back to get get fixed. Just what I heard. I have always heard good things about Toole and saw their work a few times and was always impressed. I made an appt. to drop off the GTP on Tuesday. Now I have to decide on what kind of rental to get.