Old new usernames

Can people post up their old usernames, which are now their new usernames, in this thread? I am confuzzled as I see people with a lot of posts and I dunno who they are :rofl

Thanks :retardclap

^btw that smiley FTMFW

Hi, I’m n!cole. Nice to meet you. :cool:


btw it really sucks that I can’t have an avatar nor can I use the smilies. Fuck this.

Why not Joey?

I had no problem with it?

Idk I uploaded my avatar, fixed my sig, and I can’t see my avatar, but can see everyone elses…and I can’t use smilies, all that shows up when I reply is the reply box with some bootleg smilies underneath.

Gotta go to your options and change the message editor interface to WYSIWYG to have the good smilies… are you sure you changed your avatar and not the profile picture?

ahhh OK, got it now. Still can’t find the smilies thing.

You have to go to the User CP, and it’s like the last box or second to last box under “Ediot options” and it has “Messaging Editor Interface” or something like that in a drop down box, change it to WYSIWYG and you have to click “Go to advanced” when you reply and the other smilies are along the right hand side.



yayyy thanks Nicole, you are ze best.

Same User Namez Here

mine didnt change

mines still the same


That’s not what it was before the change you noobsauce…before the change yours was all caps…BENNYFIZZLE.

Omg benny can’t even ban joey cause he is no longer a moderator…ah ha ha ha ha ha


im so confused…why cant I use my SSmokinn SS user name??

oh I can’t?
