Old new usernames

VBulletin recognized that name as being very homosexual and banned it. :facepalm

Your smiley does not work either:retardclap

because its missing the : after the word


shit’s a mess!

Same name here.

i am still the same Hooked on SXY TIME

shit it got changed back to my old one :frowning:

lmao spoke to soon

weak sauce lol

This is why you must leave well enough alone

I think that was the last of the “hooked on” names. WOO! ALL GONE!

No, Jeff still has his

haha yea i was planning on changing it again…any ideas? obviously something containing SXYTIME lol

there’s no option to change it anymore

not feelin the new site, i think i’m out

Yeah you like those smilies I picked out… :down


I was up at 430 talking to singh… got some smilies together for him… note the name of this one :pete

they suck, the other pete one I got on SMF was better.:facepalm:squint