old people suck...

So im taking this broadcasting class at school, my teacher is howard simon from wgr 550 (badass, i know!!!) he gave us this project to interview elderly people above the age of 60, comparing tv from when they were my age to today. im pretty sure he knew he was throwing us into a pit of snakes. lol heres my interviewing experience from today…

so im out and about in east aurora today trying to get some interviews in. i figured east aurora is a nice town full of friendly elderly people, WRONG!

i mean these people are nuts, i explained to them that i was trying to do a project for school and i just needed 3-5 minutes of their time. i made it a point a tell them, “your not going to be in buffalo new or seen on tv” (some people worry about that).

One lady told me to get away from her before she hit me with her cane. I was fearing for my life at this point. my next stop was the local barbershop. OH MAN! these guys were ready to go! i actually got my best interview from a guy waiting to get his haircut. the next guy, eh not so lucky. he said he doesnt do surveys. fair enough, i guess if you want to call it then, its alright.

So all in all, i guess it was alright, but man, i hope i never have to interview people above 60 ever again.

Your first problem.

lol well i figured it was a good start, i guess i was wrong.

oh, you were that asshole?

i guess so lol. i did go to tim hortons though and bought a guy a coffee just so he would talk to me.

i was going to go to the mall and talk to the old guys that people/jailbait watch all day long and talk to them. i would have interviewed my grandpa, but everything would have been f this, f that. it would have been ugly.

404 Q&A not showing up

love old people that drop F bombs all day

Why not just PM AWDrifter?


what would you like to see? its all on my hand-held recorder and i take notes from that and write my essays. i didnt bring my usb recorder so i cant upload them onto the computer. ill wait until i get and interesting project. hopefully i can include some of you guys into it.

hahaha + karma for you sir.

i was going to pm a few people, but that just doesnt sem professional enough. i would much rather sit down face to face with a mic or even on camera. thats tough though, people dont like to be videotaped.

ok fine

Sounds interesting. Old people can be nuts, i avoid eye contact with them when i have to go to one of my facilities.

for one of my video classes in college, we had to walk around pittsburgh with camera, boom mic and lighting and get live interviews on the streets from strangers. It’s tough enough to get a basic no camera interview, let alone carrying all that gear. People see you coming and take off, lol.

seriously, its like they think your going to put their face on a billboard and expose them! although thats what the general views on the paparazzi is.

Whats Butch’s number??? LOL


I saw a old guy in his 70s tell some 30 year old asian guy at the poker table the other week “Do you want to make something out of this?” in an argument. I thought it was funny becuase the guy could barley walk as it was.

You better watch out for the OG crew Junior. We’re sneaky F’ers. Especially when we forget the geritol

old folks home would work to. their is a lot of old people usually there