I hate old people

So I wake up late today, FUCK, and I have to get to class. So I do my morning shit and jump on the road. Im not sure if any of you know where Pinewoods avenue is but thats the road I take to get to 787. So as Im driving down I notice that theirs some work going down on the side of the roads, whatever NBD. So I go further and up ahead I see a navy blue Impala stopped in the road with a town truck in front of it. So as I see this I figure that one side of the road is blocked off and that this person in front of me is just waiting for the go ahead to go around the truck. So I come to a stop and some gay ass kid rock bullshit comes onto my sirius radio, so I look at my receiver to change it. Same time in my peripheral vision I see this fucking car start backing up. I’m frantically trying think of what to do but Im blanking, finally I slam on the horn but the person is apparently slow in the head they keep backing up until they hit my car. So they pull into a drive and I pull into a driveway. I get out of my car and start looking for damage, while Im doing this the impala pulls up. Its a 95 year old women with several of her bridge pals. While shes driving she looks at me and goes, sorry sir… God bless. Im so fucking stunned that I can’t even get a word out. So im like whatever, theirs no superficial damage… then I feel the bumper and its loose as hell. Now Im like I need to find this lady, so i pull out of this driveway and go to look for her and the town truck is now blocking off the other end of the street. So i have to wait for this guy to move and he tells me that she took a right. So I take a right and look for her and find nothing. Im fucking pissed.


oh man, you got played.

:rofl owned
Pete is gonna have a field day with the shitty t-bird now

can you give me a cliff notes of what exactly happened, i’m having a hard time to decipher…

your in traffic and an old lady is backing up into the byrd and you lay into the horn and she hits you soo then she puts in drive and you pull into a driveway to assert the damage? then another old lady says god bless you and you try to chase this old bag down and gets away?

if so, that sucks…

woulda been an ez way to make some loot off the byrd… GL with it… she might be related to gromely possibly

Nah… same lady who hit me is the one who said it, im going to talk to my dad tonight and see what he thinks I should do.

File a hit and run with the police, they’ll track down her old ass.

i agree!!

That was not a old woman… It was 1stgen

:rofl You are so butthurt!

How on EARTH did you let her get away? What did you do, pull over and get under the car and try to jam your dick into the oil drainhole for some sexual gratification from this tragic event?

…no :retardclap

you got beat by a 95 year old lady in a hot persuit…weak man, weak.