Olympic Torch protests

I really don’t care either way, but isn’t it just like the French to wait until the guy in the wheelchair has it to try putting out the flame?


The torch was being carried by a wheelchair athlete when it was halted and extinguished for a second time due to demonstrators shouting, according to AP.

At least in London they had the balls to try taking the torch from a guy with legs.

I know. But, I have to hand it to them. They got the job done.


IB4 American’s call it a Freedom Fire

with Paris police on rollerblades moving around


There are a myriad of reasons to protest against China, but if anybody wants to watch a great doc about Tibet,


They just cancelled the rest of the torch relay in France. Good job.

^Yeah, I really don’t have an issue with the protests. It’s just seems so typical of the French to go after the torch while the handicapped guy is carrying it.

<---- has issues with the French after the last successful company he worked at was purchased by them and then immediately run into the ground by arrogant pricks.

F*ck China.

the rollerblades thing is kinda retarded for police

anyone else find the news title ironic?

Olympic torch hit by protests during Paris leg

Maybe the Palestinians that flocked to France and found zero employment opportunities will resort to bombing the torch since they have nothing else to do?

<---- has issues with the French after the last successful company he worked at was purchased by them and then immediately run into the ground by arrogant pricks.[/QUOTE]

IVR Inc/Prosodie

I think they were going after the torch the whole time, but when the wheelchair guy had it the officials decided it was too tough to continue so they put it out and hopped on a bus where the real flame was burning anyways.

But yeah damn surrender country. From now on I eat my bacon with Freedom Toast!

the protests in London were very active also

I am glad to see people standing up for others in Tibet

Dude…cmon…even the mexicans beat the French.

I might be so far out on the loop, but who gives 2 fucks about the olympic torch? amd why the fuck are hairy french women protesting it?
Why would anyone protest it? who cares? don’t these people have lives, jobs, nyspeed accounts?

Yeah, I agree. Thats pretty fucked up. I hope the cops get good use of their nightsticks

The Olympics are being held in China. They don’t like China.

Lately China has stepped up their actions against Tibet and since the summer Olympics are coming up people are trying to use that to bring attention to the human rights violations being committed against the people of Tibet.

To quote family guy

Protesters " Free TIBET FREE TIBET"

Peter " I’ll take it!!!"