My brother carried the Olympic torch *pics*

i know it shouldnt be in car chat… we need an OT section or something :slight_smile:

Is that your brother for real, or is it an Asian thing? If he is really your brother congrats on a great oppertunity that was granted to him. My boss got to carry the flame as well, its very honorable!

real brother

Nice jumpsuit he’s rocking…

Congrats to him!

Congrats to him and your family!.. Didnt know you had a brother!

And your the boss, make an OT section for ALL members!! Please!!


one of my best buddies sister carried it in our region

Tight, thats legit!

Awesome Bing, were you his coach??
Grats to the family for being part of a historic moment.

My younger cousin carried it too :slight_smile: Good times

My buddy Designed the Coke Trucks this summer at his co - op … kinda cool iguess lol

Nas carried the cross:

That’s Bing’s bro for sure! Looks like him lol.

I don’t see the big deal with carrying the torch though…???

Maybe I’m just fucked.

Congrats bing

bing it would have been a better honor with him going sidewayz in a s chassis with the torch sticking out the window! otherwise it just looks like some dude thats about to get run over…
im sure ud agree lol
nice man

That flame was lit not too far from where I am right now! Amazing how far it’s traveled!

Congrats Bing, you should be proud of him! That’s a very honourable thing to do and he should be very proud too.

to be quite honest i dont give a shit about the olympics and never cared about the torch run until my brother was involved… now that he isnt carrying the torch any more i am back to not caring at all.

LOL! I bet you were like “run bro run, thats my brother woohoo!” and as soon as he passed it to the awaiting runner you were like “nuts to this” and drift away! The olympics has lost its star status over they years due to drug and judge scandles.


I have never been into sports really. But I will watch important Olympic games. World cup, Stanley cup, Grey cup etc etc.
Good excuse to party! lol

pffft, old news…

OH YA!! Well…well pffft you!! lol