Nice to meet some SON people

Well on my adventurous stay in the falls, id like to say thaanks to Jesse and Chris for being so chill, and mercedes(sp?) and thier friends for making this trip not so frustrating as it should have been, on a side note, would any of you guys be interested (any of son drifters) in commin out to drift mania 2 at st eustache…i doubtr bing will have his car swapped and setup after hios little gm run, pardon the typos i dont have any vision correction at the moment, it was a fun show last time so if anbyone plans to come up, pm me or leave a emssage on my msn or add to the post in neo events, anyways thanks for the good times this week jesse and chris, ciao!


I will probably be there with a couple other drivers from Toronto…hopefully sasha can make to too now that hes got a trailer. Had 5 people from oontario show last time.

Whos in for the 31st?

Speaking of meeting SON people. I just met someone on SON in my summer school class. lol.

LOL, I still can’t believe that.

Done the h/w yet LOL. :wink:

nah man… fuck, i hate homework, but i gotta do it or i am going to get left behind like crazy. i can’t fail this math course. lol how about u

Hey it was nice meeting you too :slight_smile:
hope you guys enjoyed Southern Ontario
:lol: :lol: :lol:

doesn’t he look just like Bing? everytime I saw him in ottawa I was amazed.

hahaha i remember that lol, i wouldnt say we look alike, yet our names are astoundingly simmilar hehe, what is his last name, mine comes from Brian ENG, and the year i got my email address (2k) beng2k, beng lol, BING hehe, hey if u read this bing, any pics of ur car,

It was nice to meet you too! I hope you guys had fun at the club, i couldn’t find you guys for a while…more people should come down and hang out with us Niagara SON people!

Pics of Beng2k to verify his Bingness?

lol if u say so…heres one from th ewinter from my crappy cell so

Oh snap.
They’re multiplying. Like gremlins.

lol all i have to do now is start my own small parts supplying company outa my restaurant basement and im set :stuck_out_tongue: lol

And wear women’s panties.

hahaha that ill leave to the real bing

Hey everyone,

Its me Ian (purple s14). I just arrived home(greyhound). unfortunatley the s13 sr20 maf was not sucessfull with the s14 blacktop, so I was forced to leave my car untill I find either an s14 sr maf or the z32/safc combo. I really wish we had such a nice easy going group of 240 owners in Ottawa as you guys do in Niagara/st cathrines. special Thanks to Chris, Jesse ( for trying so hard,night and day to get my car going), Brian( for coming along and keeping cool about all the unexpected issues) and to All the other son members that I had the pleasure to meet. Ill be back to pick up my car in about a week or two, hopefully we can organize a small cruise.

ps. feel free to add me to msn:

damn brian you do look like me in that pic…lol

you dont look that much like me in person though, sorry, i’m WAY CUTER!!!

And wear women’s panties.[/quote]

bing doesnt wear panties

let alone underwear

lol post a pic bing, lets get some side by side comparison, hahah and did the mirror tell u that u were the cutest???:stuck_out_tongue: hahahaha, and put some underwear on jesus!!!

Here. 2 pics have different angles, but having met the 2 of them, I think they look very much alike. Freckles and everything…