My brother carried the Olympic torch *pics*

i watched the torch beingh carried through beamsville from the comfort of my warm front window wihile crusing the forum lol congrats bing older brother im assuming?

No, younger… Bing is the older and more mature one of the 3 boys :wink:

So did he pay the $350 to purchase it or what?

does he have a cool name like zing or something?







sorry bing, but that was funny as fuck

yeah… his name is kyle

Wheres your Canadian spirit :stuck_out_tongue:


If you knew the history behind the Olympics you would feel different…

I used to feel the same way, up till the 2004 Olympics, I read up on the history and origins of the Olympics, then being there at the opening ceramony in Athens Greece (which was voted the best opening ceramony in Olympics history by the way) and all it just totaly changed the way I see the Olympics now!

By the way the Superbowl is still number one on my list! GO JETS GOOOOOOOO!!!
Followed by World Cup, Euro Cup and then the Olympics.

That’s cause you’re Greek dude. The rest of us still don’t give a shit :smiley:

That’s pretty cool, gotta admit… can’t say you know too many people that can say that they know someone, first hand, that carried the Olympic torch!

Vancouver 2010 is bankrupting BC. Vancouver= the new Montreal x10000 because it’s already the most expensive city in Canada. The Olympics are shattering my dreams of the BC life :(…


I met bings brother, he’ll just tell you to check out Bing’s ass… for serious!

It’s got nothing to do with being Greek the Olympics are for the world, the only thing that is Greek about the Olympics it that they originated from Greece and the flame is lit in Greece and taken around the world when ever there are Olympic games.

Many people dedicate their lives just to make it to the Olympics, the best of the best make it there where they go up against the best around the world and the human spirit and will is pushed to the limit and New World Records are always set.

The Olympics unite us as humans, it’s where we all put our differences aside and we all gather together in peace and harmony to celebrate the human spirit, will, strength, humanity it self and peace.

World Cup Unites Everyone, nothing else worldwide! South Africa World Cup this Summer 2010!! cant wait! :smiley:


Nawwwww man I dont check no manz ass!!.. for serious!

I dislike soccer.

I heard bing made a round too: