OMFG stupid ridiculous rant !@*#&^!$@

Yo, so like 7PM ish, blackberry and email stop working.


we start to get on it. I come in from home at around 12:15AM.

Working till around 3, still can’t figure out what the fuck is going on. Noticed that a couple websites weren’t responding very well, but most of them were ok.

Notice gchat kinda signing in and out. But didn’t think anything of it.

5AM, everything miraculously decided to pop back up.


Cogent, Internap, Global Crossing, Level3 ALL had major network outages. We didn’t get an e-mail because… well - exchange couldn’t receive!

I’m fucking tired. /rant.

how’s that for timing… reminds me of the “good old days” of Applied Theory dropping off the planet @ RIT constantly

Would this problem be filed in the “Gremlins did it” folder in the file cabinet?

I hate problems like that, because when the non-IT people ask “what happened?” you know in the back of your head that it just fixed itself. Try explaining that to them…

Thats impressive that all 3 had major outages at the same time…

But no PC LOAD letter?

You receive network outage alerts via email?

You should probably get 3-4 people to work directly under you to handle this sort of thing.


PC Load Letter… what the fuck does that mean?

that would explain why you didn’t answer when I called you back :wink:

test run?

someone please link me to some info on this

LOL!!! +1