OMG! First Bass Definitive Auto T-Shirts!!

After 5 Years I finally Broke down, and Leaped aboard the T-Shirt Train!!

I am by no way a clothing designer, but I really like the way these turned out.

Lets hear what you guys think.

![ 001.jpg]( 001.jpg)

![ 002.jpg]( 002.jpg)

Eh. It reminds me of the stratusphere logo…

I’m feeling artsy today…piss around with some logo’s and see if I can come up with anything good.

Jesus berad, that is the shittiest logo ever. 4 piles and a stock one!

The shirt looks good, needs a little something though…looks kinda plain.

I think the logo on the front would look alot better if it were smaller and over the left breast. but thats just me.

logo doesnt look bad tho, little plain, but some people like that

clean, but could give a little more info about your company

I dig it, and sorry you’re feedback is all after the fact! too late to change, but maybe for next time.

you have to count on someone remembering to go to your website, just to find out what you are. you’ll need to get strong name recognition before it becomes effective. Right now, half the board members wouldn’t recognize it in a crowd like they would “First Bass”. That being said, it’s a good start. I like that the car logo is non descript enough that almost any car owner can associate it to their car…

I agree with everybody, but im not saying i don’t like it, i really do.
BUT i like the input, i know the guy designing the next run (Which will be soon, cause im almost out already) will be reading this post and im sure he wouldn’t mind suggestions.
I do have a difficult business to advertise, i mean if i was a hired gun i could simply write “Hit Man” on a shirt and everybody would get it, lol.

But i could never list all, or even any of my products or services.
I appreciate the feedback, keep it coming, i already am planning to get new ones printed, but i also want to get more than 1 design on fabric so i will probably get these printed again.

Be critical.

btw Foz, you’re right, First Bass Has been all over this board for what … 3 years now? Definitive Auto IS First Bass but the non regular members wouldn’t recognize this. we’ll just have to spread these around and make it known

did you get any in fatboy size…
a lot of customers are bigger aka me cheeks tessmer

Looks good…

they wanted 40bux for the XXXXXXL shirts, please swing by Tents and Tarps R US and provide me with a blank canvas, thanks, lol

actually i was only able to do L and XL this run, but if you think you can slide into an XL your welcome to one

correct me if im wrong but define your doesnt work for me… is that right on the shirt ?

She’s still kinda hot though

she is HOT, yeah check who is, i own it, but this happened the other day, i already contacted the web designer, and today hes checking with whats up whats up.

i’ll take a Medium or 2 when u get some Chaz

can you fit in a medium?

Something stupidly quick…just an idea.

![ copy.jpg]( copy.jpg)

Yes, Can u ?

Is “First Bass” still part of the official name? I know the motivation was to expand the name beyond one that just suggested stereos or whatever, but it might be cool to have “First Bass” on the front breast and the full name on the back with the website.

IMO, from a first-glance marketing perspective “Definitive Auto” is not as memorable as “First Bass,” even though it better represents what you are doing and the ultimate message you want to convey. Half the people in this city can’t even pronounce “definitive.” It might be cool to have something of a mini roll call on the back with some of the services, like this except done by someone with skills, instead of me & MSPaint:


As for the Official name, First Bass is no longer a legal portion of the name, i continue to add it on to make the point that Definitive Auto IS First Bass, and i know what you mean, you sorta took my thoughts and typed them out with the difficulty marketing the name/s.

I made First Bass go from page 16 on google to the 1st result on page 1 now. I bet i can do the same with Definitive Auto, which i wonder if it shows up at all, haha.

As for the ideas, keep em coming, like i said, the designer is reading these posts, maybe he"ll see something he can use or likes.

ur number 10 on googs now.