OMG *OFFICIAL* iPhone Thread

I am not an apple fan either. I love my touch tho and its a great device. I got it becuase I wanted more than just an MP3 player. I wanted podcasts, web browser, and video. Now I want the features of WiFi and internet anywhere so that is why I want an iPhone but as many people who know me, I hated the first iPhone. I thought it was a cool idea but it was shitty to release on a non modern network among other things they left out and just did the typical apple thing where they sell a product and change it really quick.

Now that the 3g one is out, I will be buying one. I can not wait for this phone. They are out before the Android platform so I will be going with the iPhone but this is the only type of apple product I own and wish to own.

I will stick to my Linux PCs .