OMG *OFFICIAL* iPhone Thread

I am not an apple fan either. I love my touch tho and its a great device. I got it becuase I wanted more than just an MP3 player. I wanted podcasts, web browser, and video. Now I want the features of WiFi and internet anywhere so that is why I want an iPhone but as many people who know me, I hated the first iPhone. I thought it was a cool idea but it was shitty to release on a non modern network among other things they left out and just did the typical apple thing where they sell a product and change it really quick.

Now that the 3g one is out, I will be buying one. I can not wait for this phone. They are out before the Android platform so I will be going with the iPhone but this is the only type of apple product I own and wish to own.

I will stick to my Linux PCs .

I actually am intrested in seeing see how much the original iPhones will be for a while when the 3G one releases. Might be worth picking one up for a bit until the demand and bugs get worked out of the first one.

ohh, i want a (red) iphone!11

Still no email search, background apps, cut/copy/paste, MMS (picture messaging) or Turn-by-turn GPS. But, you will have to put up with ridiculous data plan prices and restrictions.

I really want to like the iPhone. The GUI is amazing and I own macs, so integration would be a plus. I just can’t get past how much everything else about it sucks.

uhm, its has A-GPS:confused:


I’ll be making the switch back to At&T once this comes out. I bought the OG iPhone, it sucked on service (kept dropping my calls) so I cancelled and went to verizon. Looks like I’ll be going back to At&t again. I don’t think I’ve ever stayed with a service provider for longer than 8 months at a time without switching.

I don’t think I’ve ever dropped a call… do you live out in the forest?

Assisted GPS. Supplements GPS satellite network with cell phone towers. Great.

But, no turn-by-turn navigation. Have fun staring at a dot on a map while you figure out where to go next.

Anyone who thinks the iPhone doesn’t suck compared to other smartphones, go use an HTC for a couple weeks. BTW the HTC touch pro looks amazing.

I like Apple computers. I love OSX. The iPhone has been a huge disappointment.

Looks like it will have a turn by turn app to me:

Tom Tom is saying their software is ready to go on the iphone.

why the fuck are they putting tomtom on there, tomtom uses ancient tele-atlas maps, they could of at least went with navteq which are 100% more current and updated alot more.

Considering navteq is about to be bought by Nokia I don’t think you’ll see navteq maps on an iphone any time soon.

so my company wants to get me one of these.

any chance of reserving one now or is it first come first serve on July 11th?

Sorry you have to wait in line with all the other nerds, no reserves.

i was actually talking to a few ATT and Apple guys and i was not happy. Ya you can watch YouTube videos faster and browse the internet faster but still not helping the exchange market and also no picture or video messaging. The iphone relies on other people having it so you can email pictures and stuff so the only feature you have for mobile to mobile is texting which is kinda depressing. i might wait a while before i grab one


Tuesday, 24 June 2008

A big part of design is managing trade-offs. To crudely paraphrase a (purported) quote from Abraham Lincoln, you can please some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.

A simple trade-off between two things is like a seesaw: move one up and the other goes down. Think, say, of buying a new external hard drive — the trade-off there is between higher storage capacity and lower price. Or, say, how big to make a push button — bigger buttons are easier to hit, but there’s only so much space on a screen. Multivariate trade-offs are more complicated, but the basic gist is the same: you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Brian Caulfield’s “Seven iPhone Disappointments” piece for Forbes got me thinking about this. There’s a bit of a straw-man aspect to the way his list is framed — a “see, even the iPhone is imperfect” angle — but it’s a fair list of iPhone criticisms. And while it does prove that the iPhone 3G is far from perfect, it goes a long way toward showing just how strong a position it’s currently in, and how well Apple has managed iPhone design trade-offs so far.

Here’s Caulfield’s list, with my commentary:

  1. The Cost — Yes, AT&T’s monthly data plans for the iPhone 3G are more expensive than the original iPhone data plans — but they’re exactly the same as AT&T’s plans for other 3G smartphones, and very much comparable to the cost of smartphone plans from Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile. The higher-cost data plans may give pause to existing iPhone owners considering an upgrade, but the iPhone looks terrific, cost-wise, compared to competing smartphones.

So on the one hand, yes, price is still a limiting factor for the iPhone — there are a lot of people who can’t or won’t pay $70 a month for a phone. But on the other hand, this is true for all existing smartphones.

  1. No Flash Support in MobileSafari — I’ve covered this extensively, but in short, it’s a classic trade-off. On the one hand, Flash support on the iPhone might be cool. On the other hand, it’d likely hurt battery life, would enable annoying ads, and wouldn’t work with any Flash apps that assume there’s a mouse or keyboard present. But the whole thing is moot because there isn’t any other phone with a web browser even nearly as good as the iPhone’s that also supports Flash. The iPhone without Flash only compares badly against an imaginary iPhone with Flash, not any actual existing competing phone.

  2. No Replaceable Batteries — What Caulfield really means here is “no easily swapped on-the-fly batteries”. (You know a list of iPhone “disappointments” is getting thin when the swappable battery thing comes up as #3.) Again, though, it’s a simple trade-off: swappable batteries are useful, even essential, for people who burn through an entire charge in under a day. But sealing the case allows Apple to design batteries in unique shapes. User accessible batteries are, in all cases I’m aware of, thicker, and the access panels are often squishy or squeaky or junky. After a year of actual real-world iPhone use, it seems clear that the iPhone’s unswappable battery stores at least enough power to get the vast majority of users through a day — just like with the iPod.

  3. No Video Recording — I would love for the iPhone to shoot video roughly of the same quality as my Flip Ultra. But taking a step back from video, I’d also love if the iPhone could take still photos of the same quality as a standalone point-and-shoot camera. But people in hell want ice water.

    Image-quality-wise, the primary problem with the iPhone’s camera is the lens. It’s crap — very much a mere phone camera lens. There are other phones with standalone camera-quality lenses, Sony Ericsson’s coming-later-this-year C905 leading the pack. But better lenses are (a) bigger, and (b) more expensive. To ask for better image quality or video support without acknowledging that it would make the iPhone more expensive (and probably thicker1 and heavier) is to ignore the inherent trade-offs.

  4. No Cut-and-Paste — There are times when I want to copy and paste something on my iPhone — usually a URL — so badly that it almost literally hurts my fingers that I can’t. Not sure what the story is on this design decision, but judging by what we know about the 2.0 OS, if it’s ever going to happen, we’re still in for a wait. It’s a tricky UI problem given the iPhone’s interface, but that it’s still missing in the 2.0 OS strikes me as the one real head-scratching I-don’t-get-it omission.

  5. No Multimedia Message Service — See below.

  6. No Voice Dialing — These do seem like curious omissions, but the obvious answer is that Apple simply hasn’t gotten to them yet. You can’t keep adding features without pushing the release date for new software forward. MMS and voice dialing seem like inevitable iPhone features, but neither seems like the sort of thing that would warrant delaying the release of the 2.0 OS. (It’s possible that the same is true of copy-and-paste.) The iPhone 2.0 OS is in many ways a lot like Snow Leopard: not much different from the previous OS in terms of user-visible features, but significantly improved under the hood.

In short, if you want to know what to expect from the iPhone product platform going forward, consider the iPod. Given how successful the iPod has been, I can’t see any reason why Apple shouldn’t follow a similar timeline with the iPhone.

The original iPod shipped in October 2001. The second generation model came the next summer, and the only signficant difference was that it switched from a moving click wheel to a touch-sensitive one. Most notably, Apple didn’t expand to a second form factor until January 2004 with the iPod Mini. Photo support in the fall of 2004, video support in 2005. One new thing at a time.

In one year with the iPhone, we’re getting three new things: 3G, GPS, and a full-fledged third-party SDK. The iTunes Music Store didn’t appear until April 2003, and it didn’t support Windows users until October 2003, two full years after the debut of the original iPod. So with the App Store coming just one year in, if anything, the iPhone platform is moving faster than the iPod did.

So, patience.

1.My Flip Ultra is about three times as thick as my iPhone, and all it does is shoot video. :leftwards_arrow_with_hook:

From: Daring Fireball

looks like att is taking the same practices as apple by ass raping folks with they’re phone plans, fucking 70 bucks a month for shit. Time for an unlocked iphone.

Its just like any other PDA. $30 for Unlimited data and 400 text.

wrong man, i pay 5.99 for unlimited data through tmobile and my unlimited text is 9 bucks a month.