OMG *OFFICIAL* iPhone Thread

check you contracts, boys. Most of the time fine print states you must bring the equipment back into the store if canceling to not incur additional fees.

the reason for this is the subisdy.

New plan:

  1. Sell iPod touch. I sold my 16gb on CL for $300
  2. Go to Apple, buy the 8gb for $399 or 16gb for $499
  3. Sell old phone
  4. After your contract is up, sell iPhone and buy one on contract
  5. Profit

Well. I still think that I can get more than $399 if a sell my ipod touch and HTC, so I think Im going to do that. I just want a know I can definitely buy a phone for the $399

Yes. Go to the apple store. Just tell them you want to buy it at retail. They might look at you weird but its doable.

On a side note, I am downloading right now to jail break my phone. Just need to find a way to get a macos virtual machine

Cool. I’ll go tomorrow. Do they do all the activation and switching my number over right at the Apple store?

Ya, you go to the back by the genius center thing. Make sure you are the account holder. Give them your license and verify your SSN. They tell you your old phone is out of service and have you activate the phone right there. I went Thursday night at like 8pm and it took maybe 25 minutes.

Anyone pick up a silicone case for the iphone? I am looking online but some look poorly made. Any place local have a clear skin case?

So I’ve had the iPhone for a weekend now…


lol did you get yours yet?

nope not getting one, going with a real phone HTC diamond.


nice phone, lmk how you like it



HTC diamond is tough to name drop mid sentence tho.

“You are hungry? Let me look up a restaurant using GPS on my HTC Diamond”

Doesn’t sound as cool as “Let me look up a place to eat on my iPhone”

Just about double the price, but nice phone from what I’ve read. We’ll see when they release in the US.

i have a gps for my car, could care less about apples FAKE gps or any phone gps for that matter. dont need one on my phone.

can get them unlocked on ebay

Yes, but with European radios. I don’t want to have to worry about what frequency I need. Plus, they are expensive as shit.

yeah 600 ish, but ive used alot of phones from europe, actually using Orange radios, worked perfectly.

3G worked perfectly?

Well I’ve had my iPhone since day one and had to call customer service yesterday about my discount on my plan. 50min later I had got nothing but hasseld around by them… I just said screw it and went online and figured out how to do it that way, best part it took me 5min to do and they could not figure out how to do it.
All I can say is AT&T customer service is the worse, followed by VZW… T-Mobile was by far the best cell phone company I’ve ever had to call… I fell the phone is great but AT&T is going to be a mistake…:suicide:

Edit: I keep my 3G off about 95% of the time and I’ve been fine…