OMG *OFFICIAL* iPhone Thread

this thing still has too many compromises. Sticking with the blackjack II til AT&T finally mans up and puts out an N95 or N96 with subsidy. On second thought, I’ll probably buy one once the firmware can be unlocked/jailbroken, use it for a few weeks, and ebay it, like i did with the 8 gig iphone.

Yeah, I don’t remember the password for my wifi (my housemate set it up and I keep forgetting to ask him) so it was running on 3G overnight the first night, and was down to 10% battery the next morning. With the first iPhone I could go overnight without charging it. I totally understand why it’s worse battery, I just have to adjust my habits now.

idk will att unlock it. I just heard some company in brazil unlocked one

A rep at ATT told me in the store when he signed up my business line that if I travel abroad, just call to unlock the phone and i can still use the phone.

Ok this might sound like a dumb question but did anyone get Enterprise data plan? I had the personal pda plan on my blackjack and all they asked me was if I still wanted unlimited texting which I did still so my plan did not change any.

What exactly makes you have to go with the enterprise. I still added my exchange email to my iphone and its syncing everything I want it to from what I can tell. I havent played with it too much yet but it seems that push is working for exchange (not gmail tho which makes sense) When I add my corporate discount will I be required to move it to the enterprise data plan?

My plan made me pay to use that app for data. It was cool when it just used minutes but since the new plans came out with the Voyager, a bunch of “cool” apps that VZW had on their phones like mobile IM and Song ID sucked unless you wanted to pay $15 a month.

Thing that is cool with Shazam is that it tags the song in iTunes and also shows YouTube links to the video.

Anyone get the location social networking apps to work? We played with one that worked pretty cool. Could see where all 3 of us where.

Also, what cases have you guys gotten? I use my phone as an iPod a lot too so its in and out of my pocked so looking for a gel case.

welp… i ordered an iphone…

faster if you just go to the Apple store and buy one :slight_smile:


I mean, since you don’t pay for data on your iphone, I can totally see how that is a major issue. “WTF Verizon, why do you charge for things!! Can’t you just charge me for a “Voyager plan” and force me to pay for things I might not use? The iphone doesnt require me to pay for data!”

Oh, wait…

“Couldn’t you give me the option to pay for things on a per-use basis, or as more of a ‘everything included’ plan if I find it’s worth my money? I mean, wouldnt that make sense?”

“Also, why can’t you make it so it’s just a feature add on, and I can add it or take it off or block it anytime I want? So if one month I have heavy usage from a vacation, and the next month I’m back at home and have the internet real handy, why can’t you do that? I mean, I change my mind a lot, come on, work with me here.”

Data charges on a pay-per-use basis: $1.99/MB
You would need to use song ID a shit ton to use more than 1 MB on it, but whatever.

Lets say you are really going to town, "ID"ing every song, browsing the internet, downloading songs, etc.

VCAST: $15/month UNLIMITED data

Oh, and it’s a FEATURE you can add, remove, or block completly ANYTIME, with no contract changes.

“But Jeff, I want to browse internet, text everyone 34589734895 times each month, use my GPS, use Mobile Email, and have unlimited data. How can I do that without spending $15 on vcast, $10 on GPS. $10 on mobile email, and $20 on a select plan?”

“Why it’s simple, Johhny”, I would say, “you would sign up for a Premium Plan. All those features come included. And just like everything else with VZW, you can change your contract to fit your current needs ANYTIME WITHOUT ANY CONTRACT EXTENSIONS.”

Please, continue to whine about everything, when in all reality, your only issue was that you wanted a specific device that VZW passed on, for good reason. I’m not even going to comment on the retarded way you went about switching companies, even after I warned you on how the industry works.

AFAIK They only have the white one

I was there Thursday. No line and they had black 8 and 16 gb and white 16gb ones in the plenty.

Well as last talked about, I had to signup for that plan when my sister got the Voyager on our family plan.

My issue was that I had to pay for the data to Get It Now, Pay for an application, Pay per MB to download it, and then pay per MB to use it. Pretty shitty for a non PDA phone. The biggest grief was that the web wasn’t even the real web which. It was the phone rendered internet which was awful and barley worked on some sites. For occasional user, a “free app” cost them $10 a month in data to use it.

And like you said, for the normal user, they come in at around $10 per month. Paying for “unlimited” is a rip off when using close to $15 in data to justify the unlimited is pretty hard to get unless you download a lot of music or applications.

And for the record, I switched becuase of a few reasons and to be honest, I will cover why I did and didnt.

Why did I?

A) Roll Over - I pay for 1350 minutes a month. I like having the unused ones carry over and can use them all year.

B) iPhone - People hate on this phone but its a great phone. My company is using them more and more and it does all my email, texting, GPS, and has the full web on it, not a modified version that crams everything into one column. Also, now that Apple has opened the App Store which has free games and unlimited data on the plans, this phone is amazing.

C) Coverage (Same now as Verizon from what I have seen. Been out riding in the middle of no where and had great service.)

D) GSM Phones - Can use anywhere and the ability to unlock and use any phone by simply switching SIM cards is great. Even love backing up contacts to the SIM. Granted, the iPhone doesn’t take advantage of this like the other phones do but its still great. Also since I am going international next summer a few times, this is great to have that Verizon did not have the ability to provide

Ok, to be fair, what don’t I like about ATT?

A) Everything internally is done with email. When the person who was responsible for resetting my hardware contract, it had to be emailed over and took a while to get it reset. ATT did credit me quite a bit back for the 5 days I was using a non PDA phone a total of $72 dollars which was impressive.

B) iPhone has a few missing pieces. Some are pretty irrelevant IMO as I use it maybe once or twice a month but video and picture messaging would be great to have. There is work arounds so its not a bad thing. Also, flash would have been a great addition but again, my windows mobile devices and palm based devices did not have this ability either.

C) Texting. I am a big texter. I send almost 6,000 messages a year between alerts, friends, work, and updates. Having to play $20 for ATT’s unlimited was shitty.

I will admit, some people use this. Seasonal workers and the like. From my ~5 years in the industry, most people use the same amount of minutes from month to month. Things that change this? New gf/bf was always the biggest reason. Again, change the plan as you need it, if you are increasing the MRC you can backdate.

B) iPhone - People hate on this phone but its a great phone. My company is using them more and more and it does all my email, texting, GPS, and has the full web on it, not a modified version that crams everything into one column. Also, now that Apple has opened the App Store which has free games and unlimited data on the plans, this phone is amazing.

omg, are you paying for data? WTF ATT!? how come they force you into that plan? OMG!

C) Coverage (Same now as Verizon from what I have seen. Been out riding in the middle of no where and had great service.)

I work on a national level now, and will be the first to say that no carrier is perfect with coverage.

Everyone has their personal preferences / beliefs on local coverage.

D) GSM Phones - Can use anywhere and the ability to unlock and use any phone by simply switching SIM cards is great. Even love backing up contacts to the SIM. Granted, the iPhone doesn’t take advantage of this like the other phones do but its still great. Also since I am going international next summer a few times, this is great to have that Verizon did not have the ability to provide

Wait, did you just state this as a reason for changing, then go on to say yours won’t do this?

(Backup assistant is available on VZW for free as long as you have an account @

International traveler program - FREE global phone from VZW for trips lasting 21 days or less. Otherwise, you can rent a global phone.

Either way, you are paying a shit ton in roaming with either carrier.

Ok, to be fair, what don’t I like about ATT?

A) Everything internally is done with email. When the person who was responsible for resetting my hardware contract, it had to be emailed over and took a while to get it reset. ATT did credit me quite a bit back for the 5 days I was using a non PDA phone a total of $72 dollars which was impressive.

All large companies communicate via email.

B) iPhone has a few missing pieces. Some are pretty irrelevant IMO as I use it maybe once or twice a month but video and picture messaging would be great to have. There is work arounds so its not a bad thing. Also, flash would have been a great addition but again, my windows mobile devices and palm based devices did not have this ability either.

I never said anything about the device this time around.

C) Texting. I am a big texter. I send almost 6,000 messages a year between alerts, friends, work, and updates. Having to play $20 for ATT’s unlimited was shitty.

I hope you either are missing a zero on there or meant to say month. 6k/year is nothing. I do ~4k/month. I’ve personally seen a bill with 19,232 for one month.

$20 unlimited texting to anyone is the going rate. pay to play.

im really trying not to turn it into that. Boxxa just annoyed me with his “information” :roll:

I don’t even work for VZW anymore!

I was climbing with verizon one month and wanted to go up to the next level of a plan before I went over and they told me I can not go back down for like 3 months after I changed. ATT I dont think lets me either but having the rollover is nice to boost up the pool for heavy months.

Not quite sure what that means. I am saying I am fine paying $30 for data. I just rather pay for full data such as the exierence i get on my iPhone (or similar phone that can provide a full web browser) than a watered down version of the web crammed into a 1.5" screen in one column for the same price.

I agree. Some people hit dead spots all the time with Verizon, ATT, TMobile, etc. Its just where you live, travel, and preference. ATT just works for me really well any place I have gone so far.

Roaming is fine, just like being able to use my own phone.

Ya i understand that initially but when a department is supposed to do something and its been a few days longer than the time frame, I would expect the ability to make a phone call to get the status of something, not send an email continually. They did make it right tho so its ok.

Ya. I meant per month. I hit 6k too 10k so I dont mind unlimited and the $20. Just liked having it included with Verizon.

It is a cool app. The YouTube integration is my favorite. You can hear a clip in a movie and get the full song on youtube to confirm. Just like when I got the songId on my verizon phone, its fun to try to stump. Even some random techno songs it picks up.

The greatest is in movies and shows you can pick up the songs over the talking in the movie pretty well.

Can you uy the iPhone yet w/o a new contract. I just upgraded 6months ago so I’m not eligible for the upgrade price. What options do I have besides paying the $175 ETF and loosing my phone number?

But it out right for 499+tax

eww, its $300 more to buy with no contract? For that price it would be cheaper to do some snky ish with a close acct and open new. If your # is important to you, you can:

  1. add a line with iphone, pay 199 with 2 yr contract.
  2. cancel line, keep phone, pay ETF $175
  3. switch current line to iphone plan, or if its unlocked by then, dont bother, pop in sim
  4. ebay current phone. Recover a couple hundred depending what it is.

End result is your contract status stays the same but it costs you a couple hundred instead of 5.

Sorry. $499 is the 16GB version. I think its just $200 more for the non contact buy.

That’s what I was thinking. The $175 ETF + 199 iphone is way cheaper than paying 499+. I can pimp my HTC tilt online for around 350-400 and sell my ipod touch for 200. I do like my number though.

Im going to go back to ATT tomorrow and get some straight talk with them. either I get an iphone for renew price or i pul some snky ish