Unlocking your phone = illegal now.

Just about every regulation is through political purchase power. Just follow the money.

Democrats vs Republican policies/budget plan is simply companies that donated to get Democrats into office VS companies that donated to get Republicans into office.

Votes from people and money from companies. This is nothing new.

Order of 300 tanks at 3 million a piece when even the Army says we don’t need them, when the budget is shit?

Reoccurring orders of millions of hollow point bullets every few years that aren’t used and are pretty much useless if the govt doesn’t buy them?

The infamous “Obama phone” is owned by one of the richest man on the planet - a communication mogul in Mexico who donated to Obama campaign.

During election you can just look at the company donors and you can easily guess which way their policies will go/favor and how they will vote.

This is nothing new…