Unlocking your phone = illegal now.

honestly, i thought it was illegal all this time lol… And I actually believe its one thing that should be from a business stand point… if apple wants contracts with sprint, att and verizon and they pay, why the fuck should straight talk or whatever the fuck its called be able to leech off them for free? Its not fair and I see there point, thats like stealing cable or picking up a person next doors wifi. of course i or another WOULD regaurdless lol, but I CAN see how and why it would be illegal lol… I download illegal music all the time, but I agree that it should still be illegal because illegal downloading sites killed music and the music business.

i’m sorry but do some research before you talk sometimes, the riaa killed the music industry by not adapting, not illegal downloads.

i read alot, vinyl turned to cd’s, cd’s were burned aka counterfeited… Cd’s turned into mp3’s, music was pirated aka counterfeited or stolen… not a hole lot they could do to be honest.

you forgot about the blank cassette. the RIAA said that would ruin the music industry too.

word, that too


so the fact that the riaa has always refused to adapt to changing technology and tried to ban every new format out their instead of making use of them in their business model has nothing to do with it? the fact that when people can buy music at an affordable price online with easy access they do instead of pirating it.

oh yea the riaa likes to hide this because it also allows bands to release their music cutting them out, so its really just the riaa fucking themselves over and then using their money to try to destroy every artist that isn’t part of them…you need to read better sources, you can read a ton and still be an idiot if your sources suck.

And you are appropriately billed for the portion of the contact you do not fill, to ensure the phone is paid for, and if its not, charge more…let us choose.

WTF How do people just swallow regulation clearly devised thru political purchase power

Just about every regulation is through political purchase power. Just follow the money.

Democrats vs Republican policies/budget plan is simply companies that donated to get Democrats into office VS companies that donated to get Republicans into office.

Votes from people and money from companies. This is nothing new.

Order of 300 tanks at 3 million a piece when even the Army says we don’t need them, when the budget is shit?

Reoccurring orders of millions of hollow point bullets every few years that aren’t used and are pretty much useless if the govt doesn’t buy them?

The infamous “Obama phone” is owned by one of the richest man on the planet - a communication mogul in Mexico who donated to Obama campaign.

During election you can just look at the company donors and you can easily guess which way their policies will go/favor and how they will vote.

This is nothing new…

Yeah, dont get me wrong, I fully agree, both sides are corrupt as corrupt allows.

As for “Obama Phone”, there is more than one company.

Point being (your intense thinking often slides right over it), is that Wal-Mart is not killing nearly as many jobs as regulations, often unnecessary ones in my opinion. Small business employs most of the countries workers, and some states, like NY and CA stifle the shit out of it. I got rid of my Radon Mitigation company in 2004 due to regulations and my Roof Cleaning Company in 2012 due to regulation. Mind you these were not regulations on the task necessarily (there must be some regulation), but on being an employer in general, which is very over regulated in aspects you only learn about when you actually do it. Im out of those two companies, and not involved in others I would be , nor no longer offering full time employment, almost solely for these reasons.

There are only 3 reasons a politician does anything: Votes, Power and Money. Having 2 of either helps you get the third and having enough of one allows you to lack in another.

So whats the underlying reasoning behind all the regulation? It would have to be Votes and Money. Votes is when the average person (middle class) would benefit from the regulation and Money is when the regulation is clearly benefiting a major corporation.

Small business typically end up being screwed because they don’t have the Money to buy out politicians/lobby, they don’t have any power (compared to a major corporation) and their votes are typically middle class, but they are not the majority in middle class. Small businesses are always needed but they aren’t deemed worth catering to.

Edit: IE regulation that helps big business and regulation that helps typical middle class rarely helps small business.

Good, glad you feel smart, but back to the commented upon comments…

Commit to a comment rather the re-gurgitating fun facts… are you saying Wal-Mart is the reason we have no jobs, or that over regulation hurts jobs more?

Fucking commit to something and stop dancing the Cossack Squat-Leg-Kick dance.

Then buy an unlocked phone for retail price and do what you please. For instance an unlocked iphone is about $750.

Glad you keep commenting about me.

Hows that working for you in this argument?

Um, did

It was $820

The smart play would be to work the system better. Sign up for a carrier, use phone for year, pay higher than the cheapest monthly fees, then take advantage of the NYS law that requires your pay off to be pro-rated. Its a better deal in the end. Thats what I did for my kids.

I dunno, not well