OMG *OFFICIAL* iPhone Thread

already on it. :thankyou:

haha. :tup:


lol fucker

We are going to find Kevin hanging around the genius bar in his free time :lol:

hahahah, i hope alarms dont go off if i enter the apple store

haha you homo. I knew it wouldn’t be long.

btw, did you get my pm?

God I bet your -><- close to buying a VW and modding it…

Not AT&T? You’re going to put an iphone on T-hoMobile? Just when I thought they couldn’t get any gayer…

your not the only one man

if you jailbreak it, there are hacks to get MMS working on them, just haven’t had the patience to try yet

know how I know you’re gay?

HAHAHAAH Kevin do you have your flight booked for mac world yet?

And just because your butt buddy steve jobs likes to say it…

Oh, and one more thing… YOU’RE GAY!!

lol ok mr. lets buy a sony off of best buy :slight_smile:

I fail…


what is the data plan like… unlimited… can you tether?

minimum plan on the iphone is $40 for the voice, $30 for the unlimited data. Then you have to add for texting as well. Not very cheap.

I was told by an Apple employee that there is an App out, or coming out, that lets you use the iPhone to connect your laptop to the internet. You can’t use your phone during this, but it’s still cool as hell.

wtf so im stuck with att?

and yes i got ur pm, u suck


LOL <3

Ur the best