OMG *OFFICIAL* iPhone Thread

Well at least they are letting people do that much.

Apple is finally positions heading towards the enterprise again with their san/server os/phone…they will do something and fuck it up though.

Push service means you don’t have to deal with all of that BS. No background apps mean your phone will work all of the time, not get slowed down, and not have something eating up bandwidth that you arent even using.

Forget how you think IM works from using WinMo junk…

I’m referring to Chat on the existing iphone. Every time i do something else, I get signed off. Same thing with all of the other 3rd party apps I have. I still think Symbian is the best OS of the bunch.

and the fixed that with the new model

I’d rather stick my dick in an apple then put my head through a window.:spunk: > :banghead:

200 bux? How is that possible? I think I’m going to buy one to replace my iPod Nano instead of buying an iPod Touch because it’s cheaper.

Their gonna have to revamp all their Ipod prices

Then why you in this thread? GTFO :wave:

That is a pretty good point. I never thought of that…

god, that would rule. i just had a 160 and 80 classic stolen.

no wai? so your saying that Non serviceable battery flash based color screen 8gb nano isnt really worth $190?? i mean it has a calendar program in it.

theres plenty of smaller easyier to use mp3 players out there for 1/4 the price. but they dont need itunes to work. so there not worth it…

its easy to sell a 200 iphone now. AT&T splits the profits with steve.

its a pretty neat gadget for a computer company to put out.


Logic seems to elude most since they all quoted you instead of me.

Don’t expect other ipod prices to fall because of this.

The 8gb iphone is still $400. When you sign up for 2 year contract AT&T knocks $200 off the price, so you get the iphone for $200.

Cell carriers have been doing this forever with other phones and it’s about time they started doing it with the iphone.

My only question is what is the official release date? AT&T subscriber here, outside my original contract period so I can sign up for what ever new deal they’re offering.

Exactly. Its just like Verizon and any other provider. They did not do it with the first iPhone and finally got smart that they can rope people in for 2 years and give them a discount on the phone.

I am pretty excited. I am still stuck on dealing with Verizon and waiting for the Android platform phones to start being released later this year or jump ship and grab the 3g iPhone

The release date is 7/11/08. I refuse to camp out for any electronic device so I guess I’ll be getting mine sometime after that.

ok im buying one

Ugh those fuckers were epic failures at life.

There were two types of people there, at least from what I heard. The type who just wanted iphone because it really is a cool phone. I can deal with that.

But then there was the other type. The ones who would camp outside for a full bag of dogshit if king steve stamped the apple logo on it and called it iShit. I’d kill someone (myself or someone else, not sure which) if I had to spend any extended period of time camped out on a sidewalk with people like that.