OMGF i want so bad!


Cool but what the hell is OMGF :wtf


OhMyGodFather? :tong

:rofl relax apparently Benny is slightly retarded :rofl

the 1 series rocks. i don’t get how the hell that porsche has no lsd…

The 1-series is a brilliant car, it represents what the 3 series was for enthusiasts. I think they get pricey quickly, but it is a BMW and they all tend to do that, I’m not saying that Porsche options are cheap. I always thought the base cayman was kind of a slug, with the base wheel/tire package it just looks foolish.

P-car people believe that Cayman doesn’t come with a LSD(even on the S model) because it would steal 911 sales due to its better performance. With the current BoxsterS and CaymanS, it makes the 911 carrera ad carrera cabriolet seem like over priced redundancies.

VAG>BMW is all im going to chime in with :ninja back to lurking

I went to Keeler on Friday to look at the 1 series. They don’t have any in, but the salesman said they should be in stock in a couple weeks. The price wasn’t ridiculous either. $28g’s for the 128 and then $33g’s I believe for the 135…I thought they def were gonna be a little more expensive. I am going to seriously look at getting one either this summer or next spring.

Options add up quick though, in the mid-30’s there is a lot of competition.

:crackup OMGF!!! LOLZ!!!



Brent! Whatsup man, how’s my Rotrex treatin ya?

you sold it to HIM?!


wtf bf.c influx?!

Hey Jesse, I decided to sell it again haha. I told it to Tom153 on bimmerforums. I dropped the price to 2900$ shipped and it sold in like 4 hours. I decided I wanted to save up more money for a house that Ill be buying this spring. He installed it (has a thread in the FI section on bf.c) and it ran great for him, no issues. He was pleased.

And besides, an M3 is fast enough in NA form. If I want to drive faster, I should improve my driving ability, not add more HP. I’d like to do a Watkins Glen driving school early this summer.

pretty bad ass car :nod

Sounds like you came to the same conclusion that I did but for far less money out of pocket. ;D

Check out the driving event schedule in the race day forum for good WGI days. June 16/17 w/ Patroon BMWCCA is going to be the best fun per $ value, and join the true BMW fags at Oktoberfest in…September… :shifty

owning multiple models from both/ wrenching on them, i’d have to say i disagree. :idiots


whats up buddy. nmmr is a little too quiet for you too huh? :lol

hope to see you on some drives this year. :tong

Whats up Pete, haven’t seen you in years now haha. NMMR basically doesn’t exist anymore.

I hadn’t heard of this car group until Benny referred me here. It’s a lot more active than anything in Syracuse. I don’t mind driving 2 hours east to do a few events.

whats up bro,
yeah i hear you on nmmr. pretty much “hibernation mode” until the season gets started again. either way, i hope to see you on the road man! :tong