You know how I know you guys are gay?
Because you talk like your from the Middle Ages on the interweb
Just when I was starting to think onyx was straight…
gay2 all over the place :gay2:
ooo chrissy pooo u posted too fast…Xander is the hater!
I think you are all just mad and didnt get to go to enough renaissance fairs when you were younger!
Hey I watched A Knights Tale…i am down with thw linguidy
wow haha this thread rules
This was just my way of trying to get jay to role play…I wanted him to be my knight in shining armor…like this…
Hes even got that FD Jones demeanor…just look at the stance
I’m probably going to have to photoshop that later…
sorry Jay
meet me at mighty, its goin dowwwwn - meet me at no frills its goin dowwwn
anyway u like it its guaranteed to go dowwwwnnn!
Ill bite your legs off…
i want to see this, i hope both parties are boosting at least 6 bar and the roll is from 180 to 240mph…