On behalf of Mr. F.D. Jones..

I would like to cordially invite Mr. OnyxZ32 to a highway challenge of death defying proportions on this the 31st day of August in the year 2006. If you accept this invitation please RSVP via telephone, AIM , or PM.

Thank You and I look forward to your response.




such a well stated and gentlemanly call out

Are all parties involved aware of this? :lol:





denied :frowning:

WOW…based on what grounds!!!

i think readying the call out made me stupider

And how exactly is that?

maybe because it actually made sense and wasnt’ asking for a 100mph roll :stuck_out_tongue:

My goodness! I do hope that this challenge of automotive acceleration does not curtail in these men coming to fisticuffs!

I do say, that is nicely written.


Cheerio cheerio…good show mate…I do say

You Sir, have crossed over the line that 'twas written with a finely tipped quill. You’re dual shall be excepted, however 'tis not in this parties best interests to challenge you this fine evening; death-defying cannot be assured without proper preparation. Might we postpone this engagement until Sunday or before the ides? Until then, Au revoir.

Do try to make vidos post haste!

On behalf of the one known as FD Jones, I in interim accept your declination of said original challenge, and hereby agree to your proposal for a new event to be executed on a date in which both official drivers and machines are prepared fully in body and mind.