on my way to becoming a contributing member of society...

after almost 4 years of slacking i finally reactivated at ecc today. fuck slanging pies, its time to get me a real job. just thought i would let everyone know

i’ll be done @ ecc in a year (hopefully), got 27 credit hours to finish up

maybe a job after that or more school, who knows. left with a 2.8 (piss poor) but i’ll get it up. im a whole diff person from 4 years ago ie not a raging alchy

so ya… wish me luck!


Thats what I like to here Jam. If you need any help Let me know :slight_smile:

:bloated: cmon!

and thanks dan… its been long overdue. ive had a lot of fun though haha

Good luck man. NOw If I could only do the same :smiley:

good luck buddy!
I finally started back up this past semester. It’s a hell of a lot easier to dedicate when you are personally ready and wanting to be in school.


Maybe i should be in ECC with you :banghead:

I just hope you stick with it buddy.

LMK what classes you have, i still have two years worth of books from ecc :wink:

ya dude, ive had a lot of fun and learned a lot of things you wont ever learn in a classroom… i really dont regret taking time off, but im SUPER excited to get back into it


i plan on it… and i’ll be in touch :wink:

OMG… some girl is trying to claim me… Jam help :frowning:

do work son

I already have the nudes what else is there to get… this is lame…

sharing of the nudes?

touchy situation… maybe…

i have seen some revealing photos


Not her… but as luck would have it… she started talking to me again too… Lets keep that one on the hush hush though :slight_smile:

I can imagine it must be hard to go back after leaving for so long. Props to you, good luck.

Jam if you ever need someone to talk to to keep you on track, you have my number. Please use it. I’d really like to see you make a move forward in life. You’ve always been a good guy towards me and I can appreciate that.

Hopefully I’ll see you around campus :slight_smile:



Only if you’re coming.

Yes… Gave her the talk! no more worrying about her anymore

sorry for shitting up your thread… I didn’t think you would mind.