on my way to becoming a contributing member of society...

best of luck Jam, I went back last year too, good decision and i’m sure it’ll work out. 4 years changes you a lot…you’ll be a work horse if you put your mind to it.

had a feeling you’d do so eventually

good man :tup:


Good for you.

word i did the whole USAF then random jobs then decided back to school in 2003 (graduated 98) going back to school seemed way easier after living some of your life.

I was totally the opposite… I felt the AF dumbed me the fuck down…

Thats partially what i meant. it made me wanna do something. I went back to school and managed a 3.8 GPA for the 2 years i was in. Much better than i ever did in highschool. My only regret is choosing what i chose to go to school for (auto mechanics). I should have kept cars a hobby and went for computers.

You can buy everyone beer now :tup:

Good to hear Jam :tup:


so, what are yougoing for Jam?

Whats the plan for after ECC? An associates doesn’t mean shit (as im sure you already know)


Are you still with your g/f? Sheesh, the crazy things they make you do. :mamoru:

What? You don’t want to deliver pizza for the rest of your life? :wink:

Good call dude. :tup:

thats what she said… or he? said?

becoming a contributing member of society is overrated.

Going back to school is sweet. The % of college drop outs that actually go back and finish is extremely low… so if you do it, you’ll be in the minority. A good minority though ( not like, say, asians).


Best of luck and stick with it.

I’m not trying to be a dick, but I don’t think you’ll do it.

However, I hope to god you prove me wrong. God speed little Jam, God speed.

Dude, its ECC. I just finished up there after being out of HS for 5 years and its not bad.

Dont be affraid of taking summer classes either, they are actually pretty good and they fly by. Choda and I took a math class 3 nights a week and we both got an A and all we did is show up :lol: .

congrats. i’m going back this fall too. although, i don’t have any credits under my belt because i make poor decisions. so i have to still go for a billion years. but yeahhhhh. i hope you do well!