Finally doing something right..

well hopefully that is…

finally after my extended stay at ECC i will be going to a college i want to be at.

I got the letter in the mail today saying that i was accepted to D’Youville College in there Information Technology Program.

Hopefully now i will get my head out of my ass and do something with my life.

Nice :tup:

I need to finish.

Congrats! I totally wished I went to college, even just for the experience. believe me, just by goin to a cc you were off to a great start.

Good luck bud!

congrats. education is a huge plus.


I’m so proud of you babe! :slight_smile:

congrats, just have an exit plan.

nice dude. now that you have this opportunity make to sure to use it to your full advantage ( although it sounds like you realize the chance you have )

best of luck

I hope you plan on moving out of state to get a good IT job.


IT in Buffalo is very limited to what I’ve searched, at least anything decent paying and in the network admin area.

Hell, I’m at a call center because there was nothing currently out there.

Hopefully soon leaving to the DC/VA area.

i really didnt plan on staying around here after school, plus i know the girl wants to move after schools done

and yes buffalo is shitty for the most part for IT jobs

but im not 110% sure if i wanna do just Information tech with a focus in networking or do that with the international business bachelors/masters program from d’youville


I have a 4 year degree that is worth nothing in the real world, in one of the most work intensive majors!

You shouldnt have that problem though. IT = good