On ramp 1, Cobalt SS 0

So on my way home from the Meadowmands I got into a little MV accident. I hit some black ice on the 2W exit from i87 and rammed the guard rail/curb fairly hard and hit my head on my driver side window. I believe the window is cracked but that’s not impoartant to me. My head is POUNDING right now and my mom insists on bringing me to the ER but I refuse.

So I guess what I am trying to convey here is to be careful out there this holiday season. You can have the best snow/ice tires in the world and still lose control of your car if you are not careful with what you are doing. Driving 3 hours in lazy mode and attempting to merge onto central avenue whilst hitting ice certainly will cause some damage to both your vehicle and yourself as well.


Hope u feel better man, is the car totalled?

Damn Dude…sorry to hear that…best of luck.

Doubt it. Although I have the axle sitting on my kitchen table. :lol

I’m going to the ER right now. brb

Man get to that er,you never know.Take it from someone who has headaches everyday.

Sorry to hear this. Sucks busting up your car. But in reality go get checked out ASAP man, don’t be stupid. Concussions are not to be taken lightly and can progress into life threatening pressures/internal bleeding.

hospital bill/insurance bill > dead, at least IMO for 99.9999% of things.

Yeh i actually pulled behind his car right after he hit the curb. Looks like the car needs a lip, the fender has a dent, the axle is broke, possibly a broken control arm, there was fluid on the ground maybe the power streering rack from the tie rod being slammed in

the cobalts have a electric asssist rack so mo p/s fluid …if his axle broke its prolly diff fluid leakin from where the axle should be .but who cares good luck to ya ,ya should of followed bennys rules and not fucked wit guard rails

good call i didnt even think of that, deff was just tranny fluid from the axle poppin out

hope you feel better, i drove home from work in saratoga the storm friday night. It was pretty scary, it was really slippery out.


Ouch brah. Go to the ER and get checked out, dont be that guy (stupid).

That way you can feel better soon and we can make jokes like “the SS is too much car to handle,” etc without feeling like douchebags.

lol well done

wondered if anyone was gonna catch that

Man Leo this car hates the winter months

Get that head checked out man.

I hit some black ice in CP today when I went ice skating. And I have pretty darn good/brand new Winter tires on so +1 on that.


The CT scan came out fine, I have some minor bruising on my forehead but nothing to be worried about. I was prescribed drugs and sent home.

I suppose I will call my insurance company tomorrow in order to determine this car’s fate. sigh


or vidz

pics plez.

sorry to hear.

guard rails suck