On ramp 1, Cobalt SS 0

d00d. You can replace a car. You can’t replace your mellon.

Sorry man, talk about a bummer weekend. :frowning:


But yea that definitely sucks, at least no concussion so thats a plus! And like everyone said, post some pics!

GLW everything glad to see your ok!

leo your a fucking idiot and you know why

pics or fail

Hope you will feel better, and glad you are ok.

Your mom knows better, going to the ER is a wise decision; which you should. Head injuries are no laughing matter. There are many reports of people sustain seemingly minor head injuries, feels fine for a few days and died from it later.


Pay the doctor a visit asap.

shit dude. I am sorry to hear this man. Glad to see your noggin is still ok, well atleast medically! lol

GL with the car. My mother spun out their new FX35 yesterday too. I just added colision/comp to my subaru beater, just to be safe this winter…

^^^^+1 on that collision/comp!!!

Benny still had the best guardrail wreck of 2009. Sorry.

THANK you.

I’ll get pictures in a little bit. I just woke up a little while ago.

I would have to agree, there wasn’t even any ice

I added the pictures to the original post.

Big thanks to Laura and yourself for being there before anybody else. You guys certainly helped to calm me down before officer taylors arrived.

Feel better Chris!!


That blows, thats one of the reasons why I drive a real POS in the winter months. Whats the verdict on insurance?

It’s at a garage in Colonie and the guy who owns the place thinks it is totalled, but I won’t know for sure until State Farm sends an adjuster out to look at it.

oh shit! black ice is scary. glad ur not maimed or seriously hurt

Doubtful that the junker is actually totalled. Hopefully it is so they cut you a check and you can buy a local black turbocharged one.

If it is totaled please buy it back from the insurance company and sell to me