On ramp 1, Cobalt SS 0

Alright. Let’s play hardball.

The power to weight ratio of a STOCK Cobalt SS Supercharged is 13.6. My car isn’t stock, but that’s besides the point.

The power to weight ratio of a STOCK GTO is ~ 10.8

Not an incredible difference, really. And that’s being generous with the WHP on the GTO.

I will have snow tires on it, I of course don’t plan on driving around on the salted pavement with 4 summer tires. That, and when we get an abundance of snow the car won’t leave the driveway. Plus, if I DO get stuck somewhere with a few inches of powder on the ground, I know that the snow tires combined with the 3800lb curb weight will help with the stability of the car. The Cobalt was GREAT and only got stuck once in the snow, but the 2800lb curb weight certainly did not help with straight line stability. This is why I love driving my fathers’ truck in the bad weather…weight ftw! (sometimes)

Cars weren’t always FWD/AWD too, you know.

As for being crashed more than once, accident #1 was SOLELY Denooyer Chevrolet’s fault. I wasn’t even anywheres near the car when the accident occured.

The recent accident, well, obviously I was driving, but black ice is nothing to be fooled around with, no matter what tires you have.

For insurance purposes, the GTO is cheaper to insure than the Cobalt.