on the hunt for a car...

2005 Altima SE-R

I’ve gone and got my heart set on it. Im in the market for a new car, but finding one has been difficult. they made it one year only, and ive only seen one in rochester… (to be fair i was in buffalo up untill 10 months ago).

So… to all you car hunters out there, if you guys happen to come by one (i have a huge preference to buy through a dealer… financing and warrentee reasons), I would be forever thankful!

Thanks guys…

Also! if you have every driven one… impressions?

Hottest wrong wheel drive car I know of. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think I’ve ever seen one on the street though. What’s the price of one run, compared to a G35 sedan?

Ive actually seen more than 2 since ive been back up here, one had exhaust work done too and it sounded amazing.

great cars. loved the altimas since the 2001 SE(hidden gem as a FWD car, most people would never expect one and they are light and nimble)

i say go for it if you like them. idk how this one handles in snow(since its heavier) but my brothers 2001 was so light in the back it was not fun to drive in any amount of snow.

but it is heaver i’d imagine.


^^ Exactly my mom’s car. It’s like a FWD G35 with plenty of grunt. And the wheels look awesome. I’d say I would ask her if she wanted to sell it, but I know she wouldn’t give it up :slight_smile:

did they come in 5spd?

Nope. 6.

i test drove one at the Nissan dealership in lockport years ago. very nice car

there was a few in philly, definitely a nice car.

I drove the one they had on the southwestern, and it was a blast. My friend called right before the test drive, and I told him what I was doing. He then yelled threw the phone “Don’t let him drive the car he is just going to beat the shit out of it” super loud. I hung up on him and drove away. As I’m raping the car the sales lady goes “You really know how to drive don’t you.” I kind of laugh, and a suburban cuts me off out of no where. She yells “You fucker” and tells me that I should cut him off. LoL.

It was a fun car to test drive none the less!

Bob… go to www.cars.com and go to the advanced search. Then type in under keywords SE-R. There aren’t any listed within 200 miles of Rochester so you may have to travel a little bit to get one but I found a ton of them. Goodluck buddy.

Very nice car. I was looking at them but I wanted awd.

LOL I love sales reps like that.

what engine do these have? I honestly thought it was a factory bodykitted altima

Quoted from the link in the orignal post:
“With 250 horsepower and 249 lb-ft of torque from a big 3.5 V6 liter engine”

one of my old bosses has one in black and he had black rims, pretty nice looking cars

yea but doesn’t say what engine it is… besides nissan loves to boast huge HP numbers like their 300+ hp maxima that probably would run 17’s

I would say buy a same year Honda Accord V6.

The SE-R is basically a badge package compared to the 3.5 SE.

VQ35. As mentioned, it’s a 3.5SE with a sport package. IIRC it goes beyond badges/appearance and includes suspension upgrades.

so i understand, the greatest differences is in the suspension upgrades, which really is where my love of the car stems from. I think im moving away from straight speed. its the turns that are fun. I cant pretend im obsessed with speed anyway. I like it when i have it, but over all im looking for a fun, (mostly) reliable, comfortable car to drive. I dont mind bumps (hence being on with stiffer suspension) and im def a loyal nissan customer. Worst case i will probably go with a regular 3.5SE but we
ll see. I may even stick with the 2.5SE just to save the gas cost if i cant have everything i want in the SE-R.

Seems like there are a bunch in NYC. at dealerships too which is a positive. How would trade in work with this? Drive down, have it looked at, purchase and drive the altima home? I would of course talk details with the dealership before hand, but is it doable?

edit** also, how would warrentee transfer work if i took the car from Jersey/NYC up to rochester, and then needed work done to it? If its a Nissan warrentee, is it workable at any registered dealer?