On the topic of hair/tattoos

My friend who just passed away had the anti-hero logo (its a skateboard company) across the top of his back with “skate and destroy” written in it.

http://www.phiwispot.com/selection/image/1681_1.jpg (the bottom one)

I’m going to get one. he was one of my best friends, a group of 5 of us growing up our whole lives hanging out.

i think mine will either be blank, or say “For Everything Unfinished”

I have some hair on my shoulders/back. i use a beard trimmer and keep that shit down, but i dont know what it will look like with a tat under it

I’m thinking about getting that hair laser removed when im older maybe ($). will it fuck it up having a tattoo there? if so, can I just get the tattoo redone after the laser?

Thats a great idea and i think that it will look fine. I have one on my ankle and you just might want to have some one shave it for you or get it waxed if you think that it doesnt look good.When you go get a tattoo done they shave the area that there tattooing.

thats pretty cool. :tup: to getting a tat that really means something and not just for some BS reason to try and be badass like so many tools out there

it’s a cool idea…but its permanant… think a lot about it…honestly i’d wait like another 6 months or so. if you still want it and it will still mean as much to you than - go for it. but i’d wait a bit.

^ i agree…

Mrs. Karus…

hmmmm…good name…

yea, i never wanted to get a tattoo because I would never want to do something permanent to my body that I could later regret. I never thought i would be into tattoos. But this kid was a part of all of us, and we decided to all get something done to honor him.

I think it’s definately somethign that means a lot to me. My back is a place that I don’t think would be obtrusive to my professional life, and I think I’m gonna go for it. I’ve got a bit to think about it, I don’t have the time to get it done now (school is crazy) but it will likely be in a few weeks

I am pretty hairy and both my legs are pretty much sleeved from the knees down. Sometimes i shave them, or just some of the tattoos. The hair really doesnt take away from them, it just bothers me. as far as laser removal, i have no idea, and i don’t think anyone on here would know either.

What I think you want to know is if you get a tattoo, and have laser hair removal what effect will it have on the tattoo?

Probably nothing, maybe some fading that could be touched up. The tattoo removing laser has a lot more power then a hair removing laser. The wavelengths can be the same, but the power is 100x less powerful on the hair removing laser.

how much would hair removal cost? im scared abuot waxing. well, the stigma associated. im too weirded out by it to even enquire who does waxing anywhere around my house