Got my back done

This is from an hour after I got it done so its all shiny and has ink and cleaning ish on it. I’ve since washed it off and it’s all good. I’ll take new pics tonight. I’m so psyched on it, I really like how it turned out.

the latin means basically “for everything unfinished”

done by Erich Foster at Rise Above tattoos

Cool shit. This is for your buddy that passed right?

yea, he had the anti hero logo tattooed on his back with “skate and destroy” written in the banner

wow turned out exactly like u wanted, nice!

looks great :tup:

very nice turnout

like the meaning behind it. :tup:

Also, your back is just as hairy as i had imagined. I mean that in the gheyest way possible.


you should have had them wax the whole thing. you’re a fucking ape :slight_smile:


like the meaning behind it. :tup:

Also, your back is just as hairy as i had imagined. I mean that in the gheyest way possible.


nice :wink:


you should have had them wax the whole thing. you’re a fucking ape :slight_smile:


nah he just shaved it with a bic. haha he told me “you might want to think about starting to get your back waxed to show off your tat”

you have a hairy back dude

Wow, that came out really good.

Hey it looks great man. Not once while looking at it did I think it resembled a Harley eagle :slight_smile:

and yea. hairy. haha

Better watch out. Next time I see you, im gonna give you a nice many slap on the back. Or the ass. Either or…

looks good though…

wow dre that turned out awesome.

and you are one hairy sob shit son


Better watch out. Next time I see you, im gonna give you a nice many slap on the back. Or the ass. Either or…

looks good though…


you know, it really doesn’t hurt that bad. this morning when I showered then put lotion on it, it hurt for maybe 10 minutes. but the rest of the time I don’t even notice it.

looks nice.

shit definitely turned out hot, very nice


nah he just shaved it with a bic. haha he told me “you might want to think about starting to get your back waxed to show off your tat”


can you make me a sweater out of the shavings for next winter?

haha. i’m not that hairy. what hair is there is relatively short

to be hoenst im kinda considering getting it waxed, but i dont know anywhere in the city (west siiide) nor what the price would be