one bad ass supra forsale

god damn…I wonder why he didnt post a price :ninja

Ditch the stickers and the subs and you got yourself a mean, clean ride.

Ooh, pretty.

Why must you ruin everything with your girly comments?

Pretty? PRETTY? are you fucking kidding me? :idiots

Oh, shush.

That car is fucking sick. I wish I could afford another Supra, let alone an MKIV, let alone one like that.

Is that better?


that thing is pretty fucking sick!!!

way too much going on for me. im all about the business look, not all that chrome and sticker shit

The business look. :rofl

Take off the chrome and stickers, duh. ::slight_smile:

Yeah dude, rolling up to a consult or some shit with a clean unraped supra…

Not a big fan of red but damn that looks sexy :giggedy

The stickers are probably the sponsorship, but I like a clean look. and thats way too busy for me.

Impressive build regardless.

who flipped your giggle button on?


Giggle button? I have a giggle button!? WHERE!? :pete

riiiggghhttt up top there :ssh :rofl




hey man, she asked.

67,800$ :ohnoes

they are smoking CRACK for a 780hp, not stroked supra. and its ugly. you can buy a 1300whp one thats clean on SupraForums for the same or less.!?sold=