One dead LS1

LOL please do a big cam on the 408, there was this one video of a vette i saw with one, and it sounded soooo good.

408 do it.

well i just came home and looked at it briefly. The driver side valve cover gasket blew out which is what caused all the oil. now i am most certain number 7 will be fried when i pull the plugs at some point. At least it went down while having it’s ass beat as opposed to just cruising like a bitch.

Dude, new gasket…and beat it more.

wow, the dip stick normally vents before a VC gasket.

yeah thats what i was thinking. ah well. 7 is prob dead. i’ll move on and make it bigger wallet pending. if not a forged 370 will have to do.

HAHAHA pushing a VC gasket is friggin impressive man. Good job as a fellow f-bod owner I am proud right now. GL on the build!

408 is ghay… LSX block based big cube :smiley:

I can definitley do that, except it will be crown/jack etc…

if it helps they usually yell at me when I try to work on my own silly American car becuase they think I will screw something up, but they know me pretty well so…

well good luck pat…btw did anyone catch the name of that Amherst cop, we need to send him a box of doughnuts for being so nice

Pff I have oil everywhere all the time… I always forget to put the oil filler cap back on:(

well that sucks! sorry to hear pat :frowning: the whole garage i’m used to cruising with is down and out :frowning: i’m gonna cry

when this happened to me, i had a big ol hole in #7. Blew oil everywhere as you describe.

I don’t know what sucks more - the fact that you broke it, or the fact that even down a cylinder, it would put a few busses on me. :biglaugh:

You should get on that. ^

Ouch with the miles on that thing and the amount you beat it i would be happy if my car last as long as yours. Good luck on the rebuild though 408 with a 250shot is the way i would go.

My guess on the compression test.

8-90 7-30
6-205 5-200
4-205 3-205
2-200 1-195

ask turbo nicely if you can borrow his drive train for a few days :slight_smile:



RIP 30th… we should get food later and celebrate… wanna?

737, about 1400hp NA

3 stages of juice!


I am with this guy, 427 LSX or lets Darton MID sleeve your block. That way you have 427 of goodness with little weight. Keep the plate kit for the first stage, them direct port with a FAST 92/92 for the second stage. Oh and the T56 will not do…powerglide time