One Fat Piggy

I think he did a better job on those fenders than Ahmed.

I don’t give a fuck, I’d rock that shit for sure.

Same, I think its nuts, who are you to say a car needs paint Chris lol

lol at haters (+1)

Shut the fuck up atleast my cars one colour now. And I don’t use multi coloured USDM shit to ruin what was a clean JDM car. You ruined that car, gtfo.

Anyone know what wheels those are???

missssssssile car… beside hes got more tire on one rim then most of u have on all 4

ssr vienna dish

Thank you

i dont see why people are ripping so hard on this car.

its a functional roll that looks like shit. big deal.

the owner likes it. hes living in 30+ degree weather. its us who suck…

im drunk

Agreed. He better have some serious power to those rear wheels, or else i think it would just slow the car down a bunch

fuck functionality - I LOVE IT!


A little defensive over your paint eh, Sorry didn’t mean to hit your weak spot. I didn’t ruin my car, Sorry, for making mine different. :slight_smile: And I will not “GTFO”

Is he parting this out, I want the rims? pm me.

Guess I’m guilty of the same thing then.

Yea Mark, Guess we are retards. We might as well just sell everything we own and buy bicycles.

Haha, there’s so many queens on SON. That’s why I love joking around on here, people take everything so personal and hillarity ensues :smiley:

seems to me ur just trying to stir the shit… especially with the ahmed guy, who seems to have taken the advice of members and lay low alittle.
yet u still bust his balls

No you’re fine. Mark your cars always look hot; you don’t ruin good cars you make them better, and I have respect for union knowing what you guys do,.

Jesse’s on the other hand… not so much, atleast get a JDM pignose bumper… or even a USDM in the same colour. Your car looked amazing before as a CHUKI 180sx that was all the same colour. Also… dont drill perfectly good fenders and bumpers to run zipties on the outside. You’re not cool, atleast paint your damn car before you talk shit, paints $10 for enough to do your car… or roll the fucking car with tremclad and a roller if you’re that cheap, I’ll even supply the damn paint.

And before you talk anymore shit about my car. I’m too cheap to afford a “real paint job”. Yes I have a FSU problem and a gas leak. Do I care? Fuck no… my cars slammed, rb20’d up and sitting on some nice rims. I’m happy as fuck with my car… I just don’t appreciate YOU talking shit about it when you chill with a bunch of honda guys.

Ahmed doesn’t count. Think like… cancer. If it goes into remission, you still need to cure that shit. You don’t just stop because it decided to not try and kill you for a week or so.
Ahmed is a bad person, deep down. He is a disease that poisons this forum and spreads misinformation, bitterness and stupidity. His only reason for being is to seek gratification from people on the internet so that he can feel better about his sad life. Why do you think he’s always so loud everywhere he goes?
Anyway, don’t get me started on Ahmed, you weren’t around before, you didn’t see who and what he is. I will never let up on him, until he’s gone forever.