One Fat Piggy

Alright I’m done.

Lol, Why would you Quote my name, like its not actually my name. Lmfao. Fag

Watch yo mouf!

But seriously… I would rock that hatchback all day long!


Sorry mark. I don’t mind them, but if he does it in the same way he did his 240. :S

you mean your mom bought your car
you dont know me, your a 17y/o from oshawa, you know nothing about the cars iv had or shawns cars, all of his cars were good condition and made profit from them, all of my cars were good condition and made profit from them, ask any of the north of 7 crew from back in the day about my cars, atleast they didnt have mis matched body pannels and a wet fart exhaust.

and here you go just to refresh your memorie about how my car looked befor all you 16 year olds started to invade durham and give bad names to thies cars (why i sold it in the first place)

parking garage on king and mary right beside junction/rileys?

besides the fact i know jesse personaly and he is a good guy he treats his car well …and it looks the way it does because his parents dont buy him shit like he is still in school it will take a bit for him to gett the money to put his car together give the kid a break it doesnt look bad and will look great once he paints it and still pulls hard

and whats so wrong with the oshawa kids …im 18 from oshawa and have had 240s before and did all the work for them …and i have one now that i have putt so much work into and did it all myself in my driveway …and my parents havent given me shit and im proud to say that …gett it straight …i support my dad not the other way around

No offense to both of you but neither of your cars are nice, and stop arguing over stupid shit…

sorry forgot king shit was in town, my bad sir i will do everything you say now.
Fuck off cunt

Fuck you pussy, your arguing with a 18 year old kid over whos car is nicer when your car is ugly too…and now apparently you wanna start shit with me I was telling you guys to stop arguing I never said one thing bad about you so shut up.

Too many haters…

LOL holy fuck I’m dying of laughter here. +1 for son improve team

edit: Forgot to mention its obvious that my penis is bigger than both of yours by the way

This is getting interesting.

This site is turning into jdmrides…

honestly with the amount of people selling their hondas for a nissan it probably will turn to jdm rides. Sadly I sold my right wheel drive car for a fail wheel drive. But i wont be depressed for long… lol

Don’t worry Kenji I know why you did it, and I agree.

Hit the nail on the head lol

anyone want some popcorn?