Only have one beer left, and still wanna get drunk?



Omg… :lmao

Beer enemas anyone?

Oh and that doctor looks like a gay Lance Armstrong.

that’s funny.

i had to go to school in Kansas city for a month for work.
long story short, we had to take a health class for CPR and general EMT shit.
there was actually as they put it a big epidemic of that shit going on out there. i think i have a couple news paper clippings the teacher gave us from it.
the big thing there was vodka enema’s.

a Lil FYI. Ur stomach only absorbs 20% of alcohol and the other 80% is absorb’s thru ur digest track… hence the reason u get drunk faster from carbonated drinks cuz it moves thru ur system faster…

just in case u wanted to know… :nod