Parents Beware of Vodka Soaked Tampons

WTF!! So i am making dinner and have the DR’s talkshow on… (channel 7). Its about teens and drugs… mostly the drug Salvia. And all of a sudden i heard this. I cant even think that people would do this!!

it was on a CSI last season…god i am gay for knowing that

what was for dinner?


WOW…just wow

lol on the Salviaderm


You have got to be kidding me. What is going to come up next.

some people just dont have time to smoke a blunt before school…

lol, this was on MANswers. getting drunk the fastest way was rectaly but very dangerous.

brb with results.

Edited with serious:

However, I don’t think it is that surprising. Idiots take MDMA rectally (and medicines, like the article says). It’s the quickest way into the body.

you free tonight jonney?
liz left a box of pearls at my place

I told a girl today… that she needed more vitamin D and that I had the all the vitamin D she needed but it was the suppository version… She wasn’t too happy about that


I had this idea a few months ago. The gay community would have eaten this shit up! You take a turkey baster and do shots in your anus. Ask Koviachi (sp) on here. We have had many discussions about it.:skunk::skunk:

ya they were sayin that people were doing beer bongs in their ass too! i was like WTF are they talking about?

tacos! lol

Anyone down for a buttshot party… its BYOB: Bring your own baster

Any hole goes!!!

eh. spaghetti and meatballs here. so it’s ok that you forgot to tell me you were making tacos.

ironic that you were eating tacos and they were talking about tampons.
har har har.

thats what i thought too… eww… come over for tacos if u want!! lol. Tims Bday today! dont forget

At first I thought this was a Jerry Falwell joke.